Such persons practice Quimbanda (also known as Cuimbanda). Although the 14 orishas and other ancestor gods are important, no santero can practice without the good offices of Elegguá (Legba in Vodoun; also called Eshu-Elegbara). See also :  African Witchcraft; gris-gris; Zombie. Alefi, the wind, is Oyá’s messenger. As the first ancestor, Obatalá is the father of the gods and the first orisha. Similar in practice to Vodun, Santería centers around the worship of the ancient African gods who have been assimilated as Catholic saints. Continually jealous and suspicious of her philandering husband, she follows him and has him watched. Teas from the ceiba’s roots and leaves aid in curing venereal disease and urinary tract infections. The first Candomblé center opened in 1830 in Salvador, capital of the state of Bahia and the old capital of all Brazil. The cauldron stays in the woods overnight, and then it is ready. Protective magick is probably the most basic of all types of spellwork. Santeria: African Magic in Latin America. A knife is placed near the mayombero, and on the blade are seven little heaps of gunpowder called fula. One of my favorite paintings.>>>I personally thought it was kind of disgusting, but it represents the religion, so I'm posting it. Gradually, the Yorubans began to see what they believed were the incarnations of their gods in the Catholic saints and syncretized the two faiths. Unless the orishas intervene, death is certain. V- (But the dash is tward the bottom of the V) l O (The line is through the middle of the Circle) V (The V is upside down) This is all connected as one symbol…. If the kiyumba agrees, the witch places the kiyumba’s name in a large IRON cauldron, along with a few coins for payment and a few drops of fresh Blood from either a rooster or the mayombero’s arm. The new mayombero can now call on the powers of darkness to make his nganga, the cauldron or sack that contains all his magical potions and powers. A typical resguardo is a small cloth bag filled with various herbs, spices and other ingredients, dedicated to a certain orisha, which will keep the owner from harm. Most of these ingredients can be purchased at the local botánica, a shop dedicated to the sale of herbs, CANDLES, fetishes, and other supplies for those who serve the orishas. In Santería, birthstones have no relation to the birth month. The mayombero wraps these treasures in black cloth and takes them home. Done for those interested . Or perhaps PRAYERS to the saint who most resembles the designated orisha might gain favors from the Christian God or Jesus. His colors are red and white, and he is one of the most popular deities in Santería. Mayombe is a strand of Palo religion, unlike Santeria; the rites of contact with the spirit world are made of different ways; the Santeria had origin in Nigéria and Palo emerged in Congo. The thick smoke, called sahumerio, fills the house, seeping even into closets and corners where evil spirits can hide. Santeria is an ancient religion of African origin, originated by the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria. A Veve is a religious symbol for a vodou "loa" (or lwa) and serves as their representation during rituals. The siblings married and had a son Orungán. The “dirty” water must never fall onto the floor or go down the kitchen sink. Some mayomberos sacrifice a rooster to the kiyumba instead, fearing the spirit could become too fond of the mayombero’s blood and turn into a vampire. Just like the Vodun loa, the orishas have complex human personalities, with strong desires, preferences and temperaments. They even consider these spirits to be mortal by origin. Adinkra symbols are expressions of Asante philosophy, beliefs and history. Instead the candomblistas call upon the Exus: gods of mischief, communication, crossroads, and chaos—in other words, tricksters. The term candomblé probably derives from candombé, a slave dance celebration held on the coffee plantations. At the conclusion of the 42 days, the mayombero hauls the cauldron home, where he adds some rum with pepper, dry wine, Florida water (a popular cologne in the Caribbean) and fresh blood. The Santero wields enormous power, having knowledge that can change a person’s life either through his own skill or by the help of the orishas. They even believe the fact that the relation between the various Orishas help in the success of the spells and rituals. The nganga is ready. The nganga must pass two tests before the mayombero trusts its powers. Exu of the Closed Paths inspires the greatest dread. Like the Chinese system of I Ching, the divinations rely on ancient proverbs associated with each ordun and require the italero to interpret for the particular situation. One of the most powerful tools in Santeria … Today, any city with a large Hispanic population probably boasts as many Santeros as devout Catholics, since many of the devotees practice both. In Cuba, Santeros may obtain government meat-ration cards because they have to buy so many live animals. Religious practices involve spirit possession and animal sacrifice, although neither Elegguá nor Papa Legba are called upon to open the door to the orishas. The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft, 2d ed. Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Number:8 Sacred Place in Nature:hills, mountains or high places Color:White Tools:A horsetail fly-whisk (some roads use a sword or cane) Temperament:Calm, reasonable, quiet (some roads, like Ayáguna are youthful and fiery) Syncretized Catholic Saint:Our Lady of Mercy or Jesus Christ The assistant asks the kiyumba if it will do the bidding of the mayombero; if the answer is yes, the gunpowder ignites spontaneously. The mayombero makes a zarabanda in the traditional manner but invokes the spirit of the Congo deity Zarabanda to work directly with the kiyumba. The pieces are thrown on the floor, and one of five patterns results. The pieces are then thrown on the floor, yielding one of five patterns. The five-leaf, silk-cotton TREE, or bombax ceiba, is sacred to santeros and is worshiped as a female saint. Triquetra, also known as the Trinity Knot or Celtic Triangle, is a tri-cornered shape made of 3 interconnected or overlapping arcs with pointed outer sections that resembles a three-cornered knot. The candidate’s teacher and other mayomberos join him there and invoke the spirits of the dead as well as of the ceiba to welcome this new witch into the brotherhood. Gonzalez-Wippler. It is initiation into the religion of Santeria, or The Way Of The Saints/Orishas. Brazilians also practice Santería but under the names of Candomblé, Umbanda and Quimbanda (see mACumbA). If the cauldron will be used for both good and evil, no baptism is necessary. If the mayombero plans to create good spells from his nganga, a splash of holy water is added at the end. The witch sprinkles rum while making the sign of the cross over the grave, then exhumes the body, known to the mayombero and called the kiyumba, and removes whatever brain is left as well as the head, toes, fingers, ribs, and tibias. By performing various rituals based with the energy of these Orishas, the Santeria following people can solve numerous types of real life problems. One major distinction though is that Santeria originates from the Yoruba people who resides in Nigeria while the Palo Mayombe comes from the Congo. - - In Cuban Santeria, Orunla (also called Ifa, Orunmila and Orula)holds a unique position. Another popular divinatory method, normally used to consult Elegguá, is called darle coco al santo (“give the coconut to the saint”), or reading coconut meat. The bombax ceiba tree, or five-leaf silk-cotton tree, gives the Santero curative or magical powers from almost every part. Santeria spells are believed to produce results more quickly and are cast for love, protection, wealth, and career prospects. Extremely difficult cases may necessitate calling upon the Seven African Powers, a combination of Obatalá, Elegguá, Orúnla, Changó, Oggún, Yemayá and Oshún. Yemaya's Protection This spell specifically requests that the powerful orisha, Yemaya, grant protection to someone--particularly from lies, gossip, and evil speech. Otherwise known as the syncretic religion or the "Way of the Saints", Santeria is generally based in various regions of Africa. These Orishas can only help in achieving this destiny. He adds peppered rum, dry wine, some cologne called Florida water, and more blood. He adds the remains, along with some earth from the gravesite, then cuts a small incision in his arm with a white-handled knife and lets a few drops of blood fall into the cauldron to “refresh” the kiyumba. The spells used in this religion are very powerful and thus can be used to solve our problems. Performing secret rituals, Santerian priests call upon the messengers of the Gods to do their bidding. Sacred to Santería, the ceiba is worshiped as a female saint; worshipers will not even cross the tree’s shadow without first asking permission. They need to survive based on the animal sacrifices that we do. The santero can stage the outcome of a spell beforehand by acting out the future events or by substituting an item like a wax doll (see POPPET) to represent the victim and then sticking pins in it. Like Legba, he is the messenger, the door to the gods, the one who understands all languages and allows the orishas to descend upon the faithful and possess their hearts, minds, and bodies. Here they revealed outrageous personalities, le… Babalu-Ayé is patron of the sick. Symbolized by a pair of crutches, he appears as an old man accompanied by two dogs. santeria protection spells; Best protection spells 5e that work in Singapore. Babalawos wield enormous power. This is the second symbol i found outside the room with blood … Gleason, Judith. They are rich in proverbial meanings, an important facet of Asante culture. Santeros fear the Evil Eye, knowing that the eye’s harmful magic can come from anyone. He is now ready to call on the powers of darkness. If the kiyumba passes that test, it must then kill a specific animal. There are two other types of ngangas: the zarabanda and the ndoki. vkp-s. Santeria Spells Orisha Wiccan Witchcraft Magick Spells Voodoo Hoodoo Yoruba 1 Tattoo Spiritism. He is a hermaphrodite and has very long hair. Santería has flourished in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, both in Cuba (despite the revolution of 1959) and in the United States, where Cuban exiles have made it a presence in most major metropolitan areas. The meat—white on one side and brown on the other—is then divided into four equal pieces. Aroni is the god of medicine, while Osachin is the patron god of doctors. Ochosi is the god of hunters, birds and wild animals and also watches over jails, perhaps as cages for humans. Tragic Yemayá remains a popular goddess in Santería, whose colors are light blue and white. Often the catholic forms of the Santeria spells are used in order to fight with the evil eye. Today any place with a large Hispanic population—like Miami, New York, or Los Angeles in the United states or Cuba, Jamaica, or the Dominican Republic—boasts as many santeros as Catholics, since many devotees practice both faiths. If the nganga passes, then the mayombero orders the kiyumba to kill a specific animal. He is a hermaphrodite and has very long hair. Higuereta, which produces castor oil, has been used by the Santeros on cancerous tumors for centuries with amazing results. His favorite mistress is Olosa, who aids fishermen and employs the crocodile as her messenger. Making the nganga begins with the new mayombero and an assistant returning to another preselected gravesite, one with a corpse possessing at least some brain matter. 4. The greater the babalawo’s accuracy in divination and response, the larger his clientele. Such power went to Omo Oba’s head, causing Olodumare to order Nzalam, the lighting bolt, to destroy the earth in flames. The decision to use that power for good or evil rests with the Santero alone. At that time, the mayombero disinters the cauldron and reburies it beside a ceiba or other magical tree for another three Fridays. In the ancient Yoruban tongue, gods were called orishas, and that is the term still used today. Yemayá delivered 14 deities from their union, and when her waters broke the deluge became the Flood. to ' correct the erroneOUS observatiods, notions, assertions and pontifications of some foreign armchair investigators about . Although both Vodoun and Santería are based on native African religions, in some communities Santería has merged nearly seamlessly into Catholicism. Aganyú and Yemayá married and had a son Orungán, who was so handsome that Aganyú died of envy. The mayombero sprinkles rum in the shape of a cross over the grave, then opens it. He likes lavender and black and chooses the bow and arrow as his symbols. The supreme god, Olodumare, created the natural world in which humans now live as well as a host of orishas (divinities, called orichasin Cuban Spanish) responsible for its various aspects. Young, virile and handsome, Changó also governs the passions. Other mayomberos join them there as witnesses, invoking the spirits of the dead and that of the ceiba to approve the initiation. Ayé-Shaluga rules fortune and good luck. Many symbols are used in Santeria Symbols include trees they hold sacred Ceiba Tree Royal Palm Tree If they are not respectful to trees the tree will become offended They must ask for permission before crossing the tree’s shadow. URL: https://www. The assistant places a knife near the witch with seven little heaps of gunpowder on the blade. The sack, known as a macuto, then hangs from a ceiling beam in the darkest room of the mayombero’s house. In the beginning was Olodumare, a being incomprehensible to mortals, who was composed of three spirits: Nzame, Olofi (also called Olorun) and Baba Nkwa. Ancient Egyptians wore amulets with the symbol of the ‘Eye of Horus’ and the ankh (the Egyptian cross) to ward off evil. The Santeros counter that animal sacrifice, if done humanely, is legal in many states; they deny that cats and dogs are sacrificed. The candidate is crowned with ceiba leaves, which represent the spirits of the dead taking possession of the new mayombero. Occasionally the mayombero does not use a cauldron, choosing instead to place the ingredients, called boumba, in a sheet and then tie it up in a burlap sack. For conducting the Santeria based spells often herbs are used, which can be bought from a botanical shop. The Congolese slaves were brought to the Caribbean much earlier than the Yoruba, so its harder to trace their music and culture to African unlike the Santeria. 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