Let’s say that you should be eating 2,686 calories per day to build muscle. But you do not need to obsess over every calorie and every gram of protein, carbs, and fat. Not in terms of its effectiveness, but strictly in terms of suiting YOUR personal needs, preferences and lifestyle. At this point, you now need to divide these macronutrients into daily portions, as part of a meal. Therefore, a muscle building diet plan for men over 40 generally consists of eating 3,000 to 3,500 calories per day. The third and final macronutrient we need to set up is carbs. Bodybuilding Breakfast Ideas (6 of the Best), Relentlessgains.com - Build Muscle, Get Lean, Get Strong, Protein: 35% of 2686 = 940 calories ÷ 4 =. Remember, you’re looking for your lean body weight, not your entire body weight. of lean body mass … Having said that, getting these meals right will still be beneficial to your results. In order to figure that out, we first need to determine your calorie maintenance level. How To Build Muscle And Lose Fat At The Same Time. For example, if you need 2,500 calories, don’t pick the 4,000 calories meal plan, you’ll just gain massive amounts of bodyfat and ruin any chance of improving your body! You can swap the foods around. Your calorie maintenance level is the number of calories you need to eat per day in order to maintain your current weight. I’ve been there and done it myself. On average, this tends to be the sweet spot for most people. Stay on Your Feet as You Sweat. If you consider yourself as overweight, chubby, or have body fat over 16% then you’ll need to lean down a bit before starting any bodybuilding diet. What exactly do I mean by “starting point” in the context of this recommendation? The same can be done with the carbohydrate and fat sources, but try to eat a variety of proteins and carbohydrates so that you’re getting a full range of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Don’t worry too much about whether your maintenance level estimate is 100% accurate right now. That’s because this stuff – meal frequency, eating style, food choices and diet organization, – are the factors that determine if a person’s diet ends up being Preferable, Enjoyable, Convenient and Sustainable for them (#PECS)… or the complete opposite. There are two different ways this energy can be provided: The question is, how much of a surplus do you need? The key step that will make everything as accurate as possible will be coming up in a bit. Basically, your goal with your calorie intake is to make your ideal rate of weight gain consistently occur. I just have to cover this point because it’s amazing how many people get confused over this and unnecessarily obsess and stress over small discrepancies. These are high in protein and low in fat. You do not need to be 100% accurate with this, it would be impossible to hit these numbers exactly, dead on, with each meal. What your ideal rate of weight gain is and why it’s so important. Basic Outline Lean Bulking Plan •The aim of this diet plan is to put on muscle in the most efficient way. It contains beginner, intermediate, and advanced home workouts. After determining your total calories now it’s time to determine your macronutrient breakdown. And the thinking behind it all is essentially this: the faster you’re gaining weight, the faster you’re gaining muscle. People like to over-complicate the crap out of pre and post workout nutrition, but the reality is that it’s quite simple. You want to start this diet program off when you’re reasonably lean, and finish reasonably lean, with an increase in lead muscle mass. the absorption of fat soluble vitamins). The goal is to build muscle without gaining excess body fat. Bulking on a plant-based diet can work very well, with vegans building just as much muscle as anyone else. If anyone ever told you, “Eat big to get big,” they were right – and very wrong. I’m so glad I pretended that you asked…. But here’s what it means…. It will only lead to more body fat being gained. Strict. It’s a popular practice, but not a practical one for the average guy or girl looking to add muscle and get in shape. And that approach was to use a diet that was equal parts designed for building muscle as it was for preventing excess body fat from being gained along the way. They’re a far cry from the best lean bulking meal plans for gaining muscle while staying in great shape. But where most people screw things up is in the process itself. The term “lean bulking” is a bit unnecessary when you consider it should rarely be someone’s goal to “fat bulk.” There’s also the concept of “dirty bulking,” which is a term for bulking without a care for how much fat is gain in the process. Should your diet be more strict or more flexible? But it is something I do myself and recommend to others. Don’t like sweet potato? This calculation tells you that your carrying around 27 pounds of fatty mass. The idea is not to be too aggressive with the surplus, but provide enough for recovery and growth, while staying lean. Here it is all written up for your convenience: Hopefully this provides you with some insight as to how to approach and optimize your diet when it comes to building muscle. This popular muscle giver known as DBAL was designed as very safe and effective for male and female to bulk up, ripped and/or toned their shape in just 4-12 weeks. For our clean bulking diet plan, we’re going to be using the classic protein choice of bodybuilders all around the world: chicken breast. Why the key step is monitoring your progress and adjusting as needed. Up your protein only if you’re heavier than 250lbs, or you’re very hungry and need to … Which is why if you attempt to exceed these limits and gain weight faster, the excess weight being gained will always be body fat, NOT additional muscle. But you want to a body that looks great year-round. The 2020 Lean Bulking Plan : A ONE-OFF CHARGE AND IT'S YOURS TO KEEP - NO MONTHLY FEE! The first step is to calculate your daily calorie requirements for building muscle. Juge’s diet plan is filled with fresh, clean foods that are as unprocessed as possible. Your ratio of muscle to fat gains will suck, and you’ll end up gaining more body fat (and less muscle) than you should be. Just another thing I must mention, do not pick a meal plan with excessive calories. You can cook the foods and eat them plain, but this could become quite boring, making it a struggle for you to stick to the daily nutrition goals, so add some flavour to the foods if you wish. So, if you currently weigh 150lbs, you could aim for an even 150g of protein per day (which is the old “1g per pound” recommendation that has been around for decades), or aim for some degree higher or lower depending on your own personal needs and preferences. A lot of people who struggle to gain weight believe that they can gorge on fast food to rack up their calorie intake. In other words, stuff your face with a surplus of calories and watch the scales climb, without concerning yourself with putting on body fat. When you’re bulking with drugs like Anadrol Oxymetholone, your protein sources must be lean. But it’s not. Even if you’re on a clean bulking diet plan, a small increase of fat is inevitable. Not everyone is going to like Salmon, not everyone is going to like Tuna, not everyone is going to like peanut butter. For example, a man with a lean body weight of 152 pounds might have a daily calorie requirement of 2800 calories. If you’re gaining weight too quickly, you know to eat a little less. Choose lean, high-quality proteins like egg whites, poultry, lean red meat, and protein supplements. Details here: How Much Protein Do I Need A Day? I know what some of you might be thinking right now…, “Barry, exactly 47g of protein per meal, and exactly 60g of carbs, and exactly 12g of fats, that’s going to be really difficult to pull off”. Diet Plan For Off Days 30 minutes low-moderate intensity fasted cardio (I alternate between incline treadmill and StairMaster at Level 6 where my HR usually tops out at 138-139). You do not need to follow these generic meal plans exactly as they are set out. If it’s not, and you start while in an already fat state, you’re going to have three big problems: For all of these reasons, anyone looking to do this the smart way (i.e. The most popular of these ways involves calorie cycling – aka eating more calories on workout days and fewer calories on rest days – and I am indeed a fan of this approach. They’re a far cry from the best lean bulking meal plans for gaining muscle while staying in great shape. Oats (100g Raw weight)Calories: 370Protein: 10.3gCarbs: 61.9gFat: 7.0g, Brown Rice (100g raw weight)Calories: 300Protein: 9gCarbs: 55gFat: 3g, White Basmati rice (100g raw weight)Calories: 333Protein: 7.8gCarbs: 74.5gFat: 1g, Sweet Potato (100g – 3½oz raw weight)Calories: 86Protein: 1.6gCarbs: 20.1gFat: 0.1g, White potatoes (100g raw weight)Calories: 85Protein: 2.1gCarbs: 17.2gFat: 0.2g, Whole Wheat Pasta (100g raw weight)Calories: 348Protein: 14.6gCarbs: 75gFat: 1.8g, White Penne Pasta (75g raw weight)Calories: 266Protein: 9gCarbs: 54gFat: 2g, Rye Bread – 1 slice (32g)Calories: 84Protein: 3gCarbs: 15gFat: 1g, Wholemeal Bread – 1 sliceCalories: 110Protein: 4.9gCarbs: 17.4gFat: 1.5g, Quinoa (100g raw weight)Calories: 380Protein: 13.1gCarbs: 68.9gFat: 5.8g. You see, the way most people approach bulking is by eating a ton of calories and gaining a bunch of weight really fast. There are many different methods for doing this, many of which involve complex math equations (or fancy calculators that will do those equations for you), but the quickest and easiest method of all is this: For example, a 150lb person would do 150 x 14 and 150 x 16 and get an estimated daily maintenance level of somewhere between 2100 – 2400 calories. If you’re weight training to bulk up, don’t eat like a guy who’s trying to lose weight. If you are within these ideal body fat ranges, you’re good to go. Simply adding one slice of wholemeal bread and one large egg to the 2500 calorie meal plan would bring the number of calories up to around 2750, ideal for our 152lb man. Yup. Because THAT is going to be most likely to allow you to consistently get the important stuff right. Those bulking diet plans sure moved the needle, but caused people to get fat as hell in the process. The diet provided here contains about 220-250g of protein daily, fine for a male weighing 200-250lbs. Dietary fat should be as low as possible, except for healthy fats (from nuts, olive oil, fatty fish), which can amount to 5-10g per meal. Eggs are another very versatile food that is used a lot in this nutrition plan. Side note: For this bulking diet plan we will be implementing a lean bulk. Brown Rice vs White Rice: Which Is Better? Again, if you’re not eating enough calories to support muscle growth, it’s not going to happen. Looking at the meal plans provided will show you how a day of eating look’s, and how to structure a meal plan using around 35% Protein / 45% Carbs / 20% Fats macronutrient ratios. Out of your 5 daily meals, some might have 30g or 50g of protein, and some might have 60g or 70g of carbs, and some might have 5g or 20g of fat. But, as much fun as that sounds, unfortunately, gaining weight fast and in excessive amounts can take its toll on our bodies, and that brings several different health risks, too. Having said that, there are other ways to create this surplus. If your surplus is too small or simply not there at all, you’re going to end up building less muscle than you could be, building it slower than you could be, or (as is often the case) just not building any muscle, period. Meal 1: 2 slices of whole wheat toast with 2 tablespoons of natural peanut or almond butter, 1 cup … Because in terms of your diet, changes in body composition happen primarily as a result of your overall calorie, protein, fat and carb intake. As for where to get this fat from, common high-quality sources include various nuts, seeds and nut butters, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil/avocados, and fatty fish (e.g. This week-long eating plan contains plenty of protein to support your efforts in the gym while also containing the right balance of nutrients to help you get lean. If you’re unsure, just pick a number somewhere in the middle. This isn’t important now, but it will come in handy shortly. Also note that 1g of protein contains 4 calories. It’s my recommendation that you eat 4 – 6 meals per day, as this is most optimal for growth. Get my best diet and workout content, and never miss an update. Everyone else will be in the middle or at the bottom. Since 1 gram of protein contains 4 calories, that means their protein intake will account for 700 calories each day (175 x 4 = 700). By far. Because I thought it was the best way to do things. For example, meal #3 in the 2000 calorie meal plan is chicken breast and brown rice. Nonetheless, as you would have seen in the video, this meal plan is tailored for you "hardgainers" out there struggling to build muscle. Plus, you’ll look like crap from start to finish. With all else (i.e. The Diet Plan. It takes an intelligent nutrition strategy and optimized meal plans to gain dense lean muscle mass. Access to my 10 Years of Experience in 1 Plan! In addition to being crucial for the overall health and function of the human body and playing a ton of important roles in fat loss (everything from preserving muscle in a deficit to controlling hunger), a sufficient protein intake is also a requirement for muscle to be built. Why “lean bulking” (aka focusing on building muscle WHILE minimizing fat gains) is the smart way to do this. salmon). Although, only eat eggs raw if they’re pasteurised. The 2020 Lean Bulking Plan : A ONE-OFF CHARGE AND IT'S … Yes, we get it. Should you do some form of intermittent fasting or eat regularly throughout the day? Food source providing 30g of protein must be replaced with another food providing around 30g of protein. Rules for a Clean Bulking Diet Plan. Yeah, it probably does. Protein. For a cheap bulking diet, you … Consuming any more than this amount doesn’t lead to faster results… it just leads to more fat being gained. The fatter you are at the end of your bulking phase, the longer you’re going to have to spend (or really. As I’ve said, the meal plans are completely flexible. (Those who are significantly overweight should use their goal body weight rather than their current body weight when doing this calculation.). What I mean is, there is a limit to how much muscle you can gain, and going overboard on calories won’t lead to any more muscle than your body can maximally synthesis. The thing is, pro bodybuilders don’t really care how they look most of the year. Those bulking diet plans sure moved the needle, but caused people to get fat as hell in the process. As for where to get this protein from, common high-quality sources include chicken, turkey, eggs, beef, fish, dairy and whey protein powder. When constructing your own meals or looking at the examples provided, you may find that some food nutrition profile details differ when comparing to food labels. If you’re changing foods, just make sure that your calories and macro totals remain pretty much unchanged. As for where to get your carbs from, common high-quality sources include potatoes, white rice/brown rice, oats, beans, fruits and vegetables. You now have the best muscle building meal plans and diet guide to start lean bulking your way to the body you want. If you’re over 14% body fat (19-24% … Maybe you’re a great cook… I’m not, so you may want to create your own daily diet plan from scratch. Meal #5 of the 3,500 calorie meal plan is lean ground beef and sweet potato. What follows in this guide is a list of the best foods you can use to build a great muscle building diet plan, and just after that you’ll find some ready-made example meal plans ranging from 2,000 – 4,500 calories. The example meals plans are just that – “examples”. Put simply, if you’re gaining weight too quickly, you’re guaranteed to be gaining excessive amounts of body fat. Body weight options, dumbbell options, and resistance band options. Absolutely not. Your protein intake should be 1.1-1.4 grams per pound (g/lb.) That makes no difference.). How many grams of protein, fat and carbs to eat per day. Should you eat frequently or infrequently? Because regardless of how effective any diet is, it will ALWAYS fail to work if you are unable to consistently put it into action and sustain it long-term. This includes testosterone, which of course plays a significant role in the muscle building process. Everyone I talked to was touting bulking diets as the best meal plans for building muscle mass, fast. When it comes to building muscle, your total calorie, protein, fat and carb intake (in that order) are ALWAYS the most important parts of your diet. I mean, anyone can gain 20 pounds of bloated fatty mass, but who wants that? This isn’t going to be based on any trendy or fad diets. Those who are female or less active both in terms of their job/overall lifestyle and how much exercise they do should usually stick more toward the lower half of their estimate. These limits are set in stone and cannot be changed (at least, not naturally). All we’re looking for is a decent-enough starting point, which you now have. If so, I've written the ultimate guide to getting the results you want without a gym. Advice like “you gotta eat big to get big” or “eat whatever isn’t nailed down” is common. For a complete breakdown of why, and the answers to every other question you may have about these meals, check out: What To Eat Before And After A Workout: The Ultimate Guide. And the fact is that Intermittent Fasting works great with a lean bulking type of diet. But when you eat more than this maintenance amount, you end up in a state known as a caloric surplus. Are there any supplements that are going to improve your muscle building results significantly? There’s just no way around the diet, says Juge, and eating clean is the name of this get-lean game. What matters most with this, is that you’re in a slight calorie surplus each day, and that you’re hitting as close to your daily macronutrient targets as possible. It just seems that way because most people greatly overestimate how fast muscle growth can ACTUALLY occur. But, since they need to be eating 2500 calories per day, they’d see they still have 1175 calories that are not yet accounted for (2500 – 1325 = 1175). A clean bulk diet is a way of eating that helps you gain lean muscle mass rather than fat to achieve the muscular physique you desire, feel great, and keep chronic disease risks low. With that said, to maximize protein synthesis and anabolism over the course of a day, consume a minimum of 3 meals spaced no more than 4 hours apart. Let’s say you’re 185 pounds and you’re around 15% body fat. The purpose of the plans is to show you how to eat, structure, and layout your diet. What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight Fast And Keep It Off? I know you want to start building muscle right this very minute, but here’s the thing: you may need to focus on losing fat first. The goal of bulking is to ratchet up your lean body mass with successive bulk/cut cycles and to do this requires a good clean bulking plan like the ones shown here. Simply consume foods within the region of your daily targets. Now, I don’t know what number you’ve got, so we’ll stick with this example. Gaining strictly lean muscle tissue, without an accumulation of adipose fat is a challenge, since putting on muscle mass requires a larger than normal calorie intake, which if not controlled properly can lead to more gains of fat than muscle. Basically, the goal is no longer to just build muscle. So, how much protein should you eat per day to maximize its benefits? Steroid Diet for Lean Mass. I referred to this as “smart bulking” in an article I wrote back in 2011 (How To Bulk And Cut), and I’ve seen others refer to it as “clean bulking.”, But another popular (and more accurate) term for it is “lean bulking.”, Where or when it originated, I have no clue. Simply multiplying 158 by 17 (158 x 17 = 2,686) gives you a number of calories to consume each day. This includes things like whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean meat, nuts, eggs, and certain dairy products. There are also some differences between the information found on food nutrition database websites and product labels. Meal #1 - 1¾ C liquid egg whites, 1 whole egg, 1 tsp coconut oil, ¾ C cooked rice, broccoli, and 1 … It’s really up to you, the important thing is hitting your numbers by the end of the day. If it doesn’t, you simply need to adjust accordingly until it does. 170+ home exercises to choose from, with video examples for each. It’s encouraging to see more and more people opting for “Lean Bulking” or “Clean Bulking” diet plans, which are the best way to build lean muscle mass through nutrition. They are there to guide you in constructing your own daily meal plans. Let’s start with protein since it pays a major role in maintaining, repairing, and growing muscle. Take your daily macronutrient totals above and divide them by 5. The problems with the typical approach to bulking. So instead, I’m just going to copy and paste something I’ve previously written on this topic so I don’t have to go through the pain of forcing myself to write about something that bores me to death. Before you start, you need to be critical about your current body fat levels. But wait, what’s that you’re thinking now? Chicken breast is incredibly cheap—you can get a 15lb bag at Walmart for like $25, and this will last you 2 weeks. And so... much... more. Next, subtract the weight of the fat from your total body weight. If your surplus is too big, you’re going to end up gaining excessive amounts of body fat. For those who are bulking the smart way, where the goal is build muscle without gaining excess body fat, this is what I recommend…. What to Eat: This meal … And the most overlooked reason for this lack of adherence is the fact that the diet you are trying to consistently put into action and sustain just isn’t ideal for you. So important that they can make or break your results? The idea is simple: Eat a load of food every day that surpasses your basic daily calorie requirements. So does that mean this stuff doesn’t matter? The meal plan you construct must closely match your daily calorie requirement using the number you got following the formula at the start of this guide. For a cheap bulking diet, you … Next let’s say they decide to get an even 25% of their total calorie intake from fat. However, a sufficient carb intake is still DEFINITELY important for fueling our training, maximizing our performance, optimizing our recovery, and basically allowing us to get the most out of the entire muscle building process. To get in the extra calories needed for muscle mass gains, choose nutrient-dense, higher-calorie foods and eat often throughout the day (every few hours or so). But, as much fun as that sounds, unfortunately, gaining weight fast and in excessive amounts can take its toll on our bodies, and that brings several different health risks, too. Since carbs are responsible for providing your body with the energy needed to complete a workout, the intake levels should be adjusted on a day to day basis. Let’s get started creating your lean muscle building meal plans, shall we? So, how much fat should you eat per day to maximize its benefits? For our clean bulking diet plan, we’re going to be using the classic protein choice of bodybuilders all around the world: chicken breast. Because the realistic rate of muscle growth actually is slow… and we’re designing our diet with that in mind. Unlike protein and fat, both of which are considered essential in that they provide us with nutrients that our bodies require but cannot produce on their own (essential amino acids and essential fatty acids, respectively), carbs don’t provide us with anything fitting this description. (Again, these are just example numbers.). Which sounds great, except for the fact that it’s not actually true. Eat a load of food every day that surpasses your basic daily calorie requirements. Let’s start with protein since it pays a major role in maintaining, repairing, and growing muscle. 2000 – 4500 Calorie Muscle Building Meal Plans PDF. Here’s the starting point I recommend based on what tends to be best for most people: So, for example, if your estimated maintenance level was 2000 calories, a man would eat 2200 calories per day, and a woman would eat 2100 calories per day. For example, if you were changing Tinned Tuna for Pork Loin Steaks, you must make sure that the protein/carbs/fats content remains about the same. Carbohydrates should be limited and consumed in controlled amounts, … Each meal listed in the plans is optimized for building muscle and shows the type of foods and quantity to eat, but does not provide recipes or cooking guidelines for each meal. Set realistic goals and measure your progress along the way. Move on to step 2 below. So…, All of those leftover 1175 calories will come from carbs. Unlike muscle growth that has a limit and stops, fat storage doesn’t – that’s why you need to adopt a “lean bulking diet” plan if you want to build lean gains in muscle. Each meal should have between 5 and 10 grams of poly or mono-unsaturated fat. The nutrition details of the meal plans in this guide, and all bodybuilding meal plans are accurate estimates. With calories all set, the next part of your diet that needs to be set … Yeah, I know. I’m a big advocate of lean bulking and of Intermittent Fasting. Should you eat “clean” 100% of the time or do some form of “IIFYM” (. I state the weight of the food listed as “raw” or “cooked” so you can see the calorie and macronutrient profile of the food in whatever state it’s in. The most important part of any muscle building diet is supplying your body with the extra energy it requires to synthesize new muscle tissue (as well as to support the overall training performance and recovery needed during this time). Specifically, for reasons I’ll explain in a minute, most people WILL indeed need to eat more in order to build muscle. However, there are still a bunch of questions you might have about how to put all of the above together. After all, you’ve probably seen a few thousand ads, articles, headlines, products, supplements, programs, and fitness gurus claiming that you can “Gain 20 lbs of Muscle In Just 6 Weeks!” or some such bullshit. Understanding the difference between simply bulking and a steroid diet for lean mass is important if you want the best results.. What we’ve outlined above is a great outline to follow, but understanding why it works is just as important in helping you implement it properly.. Protein. He has written hundreds of articles on training, nutrition, and supplementation, some of which have been featured on the worlds largest bodybuilding publications. With this said, the body can only use so much protein at one time, meaning that it is important to spread it out over the day – most importantly, before and after working out. After determining your total calories now it’s time to determine your macronutrient breakdown. Your pre and post workout meals – aka the meals you eat before and after your workout – can play important roles in both your performance during the workout and the recovery process that comes after. Indiscriminately stuffing one’s face day after day can cause even the hardest of hardgainers to put on mass. Maximum amount of muscle growth or fat storage to a body that looks great year-round like whole grains fruits! But it is something I do myself and recommend to others are we talking super, crazy, ultra mega! And within all the food when you ’ re around 15 % fat... Enough surplus of energy to help build muscle there ’ s what I call the muscle meal... Order to build the maximum amount of muscle growth actually is slow… we... Protein supplements seemingly slow loss, bulking and of themselves – build muscle quickly and effectively ve,. 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Adjustments if your surplus to the amount of muscle, while staying in great shape of. Super simple basics of getting your pre and post workout meals right change “ 2,686 ” with whatever of. At work all day plan * the number beside each food item represents the calorie.... Good news for you throughout the day around the diet provided here contains about 220-250g of protein, by..., structure, and growing muscle MONTHLY FEE avoid simple, or sauces to enhance flavour. And KEEP it Off steps using your own body weight when doing calculation... Part as clear as possible scenario – eating some degree above maintenance that...

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