Heavy infestations are easily seen due to abundant black sooty mold and patches of the white or gray scales on the trunk, branches, and twigs of crapemyrtle. The CMBS is a bark or felt scale, which is slightly different from soft scales. Arthropod Management Tests, 42: tsx130. However, do not confuse the honeydew and resulting black sooty mold caused by an aphid infestation with that caused by the crapemyrtle bark scale. The crapemyrtle bark scale is native to Asia, and had previously been reported from China, Japan, and Korea. Natural predators may take a while to build up in numbers, but both lady beetles and mealybug destroyers are very effective in controlling CMBS. Crapemyrtles suffer aesthetic damage because of the CMBS infestations. These include pomegranate, persimmon, edible fig, boxwood, American beautyberry, cleyera, privet, and raspberries. (, Bifenthrin (variable results, as a bark spray). It has only been found on crape myrtles and American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) in the US, but has been found on other species outside the US. Crapemyrtle bark scale (CMBS) has been confirmed in Richland County (Columbia) in South Carolina this year. Crapemyrtle bark scale: A new exotic pest. Infested plants typically leaf out later than healthy plants. (2020). As it feeds, it excretes a sugary solution known as “honeydew” (similar to aphids, whiteflies, and other sucking insects). These scales include larger, white, oval (female) and smaller, elongate (male) scales. If the plant is highly infested, cut the crape myrtle off flush with the ground. Follow all directions, precautions and restrictions that are listed. In spring they produce eggs beneath their body then die. This will also allow for better spray coverage. The bark spray applications should ideally be made when crawlers are out and exposed; typically near mid-April and beginning of May. The female’s body shrinks as eggs are produced. Female scales produce fluffy white filaments that cover their body. Keep in mind that there can be a spray drift from spraying upward, and the insecticide can have an impact on pollinators of nearby flowering shrubs and herbaceous plants. Crape myrtle bark scale is relatively easy to iden- tify. Applications should be timed to target crawlers or immature nymphs before coating themselves in the white wax. It has been verified in all areas of both the City of Huntsville and Madison County. These products are typically found for sale in small containers at feed & seed, farm supply, or landscaper supply stores. COVID-19 Extension Updates and Resources ... More Information », Factsheet | HGIC 2015 | Updated: Oct 3, 2019 | Print | Download (PDF), September 2019 Distribution map for CMBS from EDDMaps.org. These bark scales may not kill the plants, but there may likely be a reduction in plant vigor, number of flowers, and flower cluster size. Samples were collected by Sarah Watts, Extension Agriculture Technician, and confirmed at the NC State University Plant Disease and Insect Clinic by Dr. Matt Bertone, Extension Associate. This scale will settle to feed under loose, exfoliating bark of the crapemyrtle, which makes control by both predators and pesticides more difficult. The tree on the right is infested and shows reduced flowering. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Fertilize the sprout growth twice during the spring (April 1st and again mid-May) with a slow-release tree & shrub fertilizer, and within 3 years, the crape myrtle will again be a beautiful flowering plant. Both male and female scales of the crapemyrtle bark scale are immobile, and will “bleed” pink blood when crushed. This is a small insect that sucks the sugary juices of the tree. Upon completing their immature lifecycle, males pupate within the adult scale cover, and emerge as a winged adult. Crapemyrtle Bark Scale National Research Team Website. Key Features Insect: Adult females produce a white, felt-like sac around their bodies. 4 through 6). Crapemyrtle bark scale on trunk during winter. … Short distance spread likely occurs via wind or by hitchhiking on … in Texas during 2004. Use pesticides only according to the directions on the label. Crawler activity appears to peak between mid-April to beginning of May for several locations across Texas and Louisiana. The pruning will delay bloom and lessen this harmful effect. Poster. Crapemyrtle bark scale: a new threat for crapemyrtles, a popular landscape plant in the U.S. Insects, 7(4): 78. Photo by Erfan Vafaie. The eggs remain protected within the white colored ovisacs until the crawlers (immatures) hatch and disperse onto the branches. Crape myrtle bark scale, Eriococcus lagerstroemiae, belongs to a special group of scale insects known as felt scales. Crape myrtle bark scale is a felt scale related to azalea bark scale and oak eriococcin scale. A soil drench is far safer for the applicator and for protecting wildlife and beneficial insects (as these do not feed on the plant), much more so than spraying an insecticide all throughout the plant. So, always plant crapemyrtles in the full sun areas of the landscape. Crape myrtles are ubiquitous in home and commercial landscapes in our area, but a new pest has the potential to effect these (arguably over-planted) shrubs. Adult females are felt-like white or gray encrustations that stick to crape myrtle parts ranging from small twigs to large trunks. Gu, M. (2018). Helene Dougherty, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Bugwood.org, Crapemyrtle branches can become completely covered with crapemyrtle bark scale.Jim Robbins, University of Arkansas CES, Bugwood.org. These bark scales produce copious amounts of honeydew, the sugary waste the scale produces as it feeds on the plant’s phloem. Presence of ladybeetle pupa indicates some predation. Bark and systemic insecticidal control of Acanthococcus (=Eriococcus) lagerstromiae (crapemyrtle bark scale) on landscape crapemyrtles, 2016. Select three sprouts that are equally spaced around the cut stump. Often there will be more female adults congregated on the lower (and shadier) sides of branches. Spraying female egg sacs and male pupae may not be effective. The crapemyrtle on the left was treated to control crapemyrtle bark scale. Spraying contact insecticides on egg sacs or pupae may have very little efficacy. Adult males, which are rarely seen, are winged and mobile. When crushed, these scales exude pink liquid which apparently is their blood. With a scale heavy infestation, there may be premature bark peeling. Crapemyrtle bark scale on a potted crapemyrtle at the Overton Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center. Branches and trunks can be covered in the white scale infestation. Females lay between 114 to 320 eggs in their lifetime (Jiang et al. Scraping the soft crapemyrtle bark scales can reveal if the scales are alive or dead. The crape myrtle bark scale (CMBS) is a felt scale that covers its body with a white, fibrous sac where it lays eggs. Tiny crawlers hatch from the eggs, settle in their new spot, and begin producing white filaments. CMBS might be able to overwinter in the adult female and egg life stages, and crawlers and later stage nymphs have been observed overwintering under the loose bark and in cracks and crevices of crapemyrtles in our area. See Table 1 for examples of products containing bifenthrin and horticultural oil. Once settled on the tree, the crawler remains in the same spot for the remainder of its immature life. Several natural enemies have been found in the landscape to provide suppression of crapemyrtle bark scale. Minor pruning of the crape myrtle will reduce some height and remove flowers present to lessen the impact of the bifenthrin insecticide spray on pollinators. A&M has identified this pest as Eriococcus lagerstroemiae, and suspects that it was brought into the U.S. on a crape myrtle plant. Th… Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Miller et al. Crape myrtle bark scale (CMBS) is relatively easy to identify. Eggs hatch into tiny pink crawlers, and the older nymphs are pink, gray, or brown. Entomological Society of America. Each female lays about 60 to 250 eggs, which may over-winter within their ovisacs, and then hatch during mid- to late April to May. Do not spray if it is windy, and wear the recommended protective gear stated on the label, especially if the plants are tall. Since its introduction, crapemyrtle bark scale has spread across most of the southeastern United States. These mobile crawlers move out to new twigs and branches to settle down and begin feeding on the sugary phloem layer beneath the bark. Filed Under: EntoExtension, Insect Tagged With: black branches, Crapemyrtle bark scale, white scale. Photo by Erfan K. Vafaie, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Its closest cousin is the Azalea bark scale, but that species has never been associated with crape myrtle before. Although not yet confirmed, some additional plant hosts of crapemyrtle bark scale may include: Once cut, the stumps will send up sprouts very quickly. A closer inspection of infested crapemyrtles will show copious sooty mold on leaves, branches, and trunks. Gu et al. On new growth and in heavy infestations, the scales may be distributed more uniformly on the branch (Figs. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Crape myrtle bark scale is an introduced insect pest from Asia, and it has a great affinity for crape myrtle trees. The crapemyrtle bark scale is an invasive insect pest that was first reported in the United States in 2004. The eggs hatch into crawlers which are pink, grey, or brown and move around the crape myrtle’s trunk. Since the initial sighting in 2004, the crape myrtle bark scale (CMBS) insect has been spreading at an alarming rate across the Southeast. Cultural Control: Keep crapemyrtles healthy by properly mulching, irrigating, fertilizing (based on soil test recommendations), and proper pruning. Crapemyrtle bark scale: a new threat for crapemyrtles, a popular landscape plant in the U.S. http://www.lsuagcenter.com/ ~/media/system/7/8/d/1/78d165df43ac0d4767607d88dadfb841/pub3440bugbizcrapemyrtlebarkscale_final.pdf, Raspberries, blackberries, dewberries, etc. Immature crapemyrtle bark scale are hard to see with the naked eye, but adult scale covers and egg sacs are frequently visible on the upper branches and trunk of the tree. Since then, it has spread rapidly through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Georgia. These plants should be closely inspected for the CMBS, especially if crapemyrtles are planted nearby. When crushed, these scales exude pink “blood”-like liquid. Spread and management of Eriococcus lagerstromiae Kuwana (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae) on crapemyrtle. Crape myrtle bark scale, Eriococcus lagerstroemiae, belongs to a special group of scale insects known as felt scales. Each female lays about 60 to 250 eggs, which may over-winter within their ovisacs, and then hatch during mid- to late April to May. It has recently made its way into West TN and is an active problem in Madison County. Up close, CMBS is whit… The CMBS infestations appear as white or gray, waxy crustations on stems, large twigs, and trunks, but rarely on foliage. However, they have a waxy coating and exude honeydew, as do soft scales. Therefore, a light pruning, which reduces the height, may reduce the amount of product required to treat the plant. Crapemyrtle Bark Scale Crapemyrtle Bark Scale- CMBS CMBS is a relatively new and invasive pest that was introduced from Asia and first identified in Dallas, TX several years ago. Bark scales are in a different scale insect family (Eriococcidae) than soft scales (Coccidae), and they look very similar to mealybugs. In its native range, it has been reported on plants from 16 different genera and 13 families, most notable persimmon and pomegranate. The scale has since spread all across the USA. Poster. Do not place on curb for regular brush pickup. Prune, then spray with the bifenthrin and horticultural oil mix. When numbers of crawlers start to increase, consider control measures below. Care should be taken to preserve natural enemies where possible. StopCMBS.com, Jiang, N.; Xu, H. (1998) Observation on Eriococcus lagerstroemiae Kuwana. The crapemyrtle bark scale, Acanthococcus (=Eriococcus) lagerstromiae (Kuwana), was first confirmed in the USA in 2004 in the landscape near Dallas (TX), although it was likely introduced earlier. Remove and replace with a new piece of tape weekly, and check tapes for presence of crawlers (see images below). Crape myrtle bark scale (CMBS) insect has been found in Fauquier. Eggs (top) and crawlers (bottom) of crape-myrtle bark scale . Mengmeng Gu, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Bugwood.org. Follow the label directions on bifenthrin products for rate per gallon. Photo credit: Mengmeng Gu, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, bugwood.org. CMBS is a miniscule insect that appears as a felt-like gray or white crust on crape myrtle branches, often on the underside away from the sun. Crepe Myrtle Bark Scale is a relatively new nonnative scale that was first detected in the U.S. in 2004. Insecticides to Control Crapemyrtle Bark Scale on Crapemyrtles. This honeydew, in turn, will eventually turn black as it is colonized by a concoction of fungi, called sooty mold. On new growth and in heavy infestations, the scales may be distributed more uniformly on a branch. Alternative hosts of crapemyrtle bark scale. In its native range, it has been reported on plants from 16 different genera and 13 families, most notable persimmon and pomegranate. To determine crawler activity at your location, consider using double-sided sticky tape traps around the branch of the tree. All recommendations are for South Carolina conditions and may not apply to other areas. Insecticide applications will not remove white spots or sooty mold, but prevent future scale population growth. Crape myrtle bark scale is relatively easy to identify. Adult females are felt-like white or gray encrustations that stick to crape myrtle parts ranging from small twigs to large trunks. When crushed, these scales exude pink “blood”-like liquid. The small CMBS males are winged and will fly to find females and to mate. Bark and systemic insecticidal control of. Often times, the first sign of CMBS is the black sooty mold on the tree bark. Female CMBS will then produce the white felt sac, while male CMBS develop wings and fly off searching for mates. Figure 5. Heavy infestation of crapemyrtle bark scale with sooty mold. 2016a), crapemyrtle bark scale may be found on additional plant families. Crape Myrtle Bark Scale. If this document didn’t answer your questions, please contact HGIC at [email protected] or 1-888-656-9988. It is one of the only scales known to infest crape myrtles. This information is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement of brand names or registered trademarks by the Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service is implied, nor is any discrimination intended by the exclusion of products or manufacturers not named. Photo credit: Rick Grantham, Oklahoma State University; and … The crapemyrtle bark scale is native to Asia, and had previously been reported from China, Japan, and Korea. Promptly burn the removed trunk and limbs, or cut up and place in garbage bags for trash pickup. Crepe Myrtle Bark Scale is a problem that all Crepe Myrtle are likely to get, and although the insect may not kill the plant, the sticky bug and the black mold are an ugly nuisance. Within a tree, first stage crawler numbers are similar on both upper and lower branches, based on trapping on 12 trees in College Station TX throughout one season (Vafaie et al., 2015). White Scale on Crepe Myrtles This honeydew turns in to a black sooty mold. J. Anhui Agric. In a lady beetle exclusion trial (pesticide treatment for lady beetles), natural enemies were found to provide approximately 75% suppression of crapemyrtle bark scale (Merchant et al., unpublished data). With the recent appearance of CMBS in Mecklenburg County (Charlotte) in North Carolina, this insect pest may also appear soon in Upstate South Carolina. The female’s body shrinks as eggs are pro-duced. Once the mated females produce their ovisacs (egg-containing capsules) and lay eggs, they die. Adult females are felt-like white or gray encrustations that stick to crape myrtle parts ranging from small twigs to large trunks. This new “bug”, Crapemyrtle Bark Scale (CMBS), is an insect from Asia that attacks crapemyrtles. Crapemyrtles in sunnier sites often have smaller infestations than plants growing in more shade, and plants grown in shade typically have more crawlers (immatures) than in full sun. CMBS, first identified in Texas in 2004, has now spread to at least 12 additional states including Alabama. No “bleeding” will occur if they have been killed. Follow all directions for mixing and safe use. The spent crapemyrtle flower clusters may also be covered with crapemyrtle bark scale and sooty mold. Unfortunately Currituck County, NC has a confirmed identification of crapemyrtle bark scale. Heavy infestations of crapemyrtle bark scale produce sufficient honeydew to coat leaves, stems and bark of the tree. Mulch around the plant area to cover the stump. It is currently the only bark scale known to feed on crape myrtle in the US. Figure from Wang et al. Repeat the spray in 2 weeks and repeat 2 weeks later, which will be before the crape myrtle begins flowering again. This systemic insecticides is available in a number of brands as concentrates for use as a soil drench, and in a few brands as granular products to scatter around the plants and water into the soil. Although crapemyrtles rarely die as a result of crapemyrtle bark scale infestation, the sticky leaves and black trunks greatly reduce the attractive appearance of the tree. (2016b). The eggs remain protected within the white colored ovisacs until the crawlers (immatures) hatch and disperse onto the branches. If the result is the presence of a reddish body fluid of the scales, they are still alive. UT Extension Agent Chris Cooper and Mike Dennison show how to use a soil drench to treat Crape Myrtle Bark Scale. Please note that crapemyrtle aphids, a common pest found on crapemyrtle leaves, can also be a source of honeydew and subsequent sooty mold. Mengmeng Gu, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Bugwood.org. Use a bifenthrin spray mixed with 2% horticultural oil (i.e., 5 tablespoons of horticultural oil per gallon of water in a sprayer) added for best crawler control. Crepe Myrtle Bark Scale (let’s call it CMBS) is a small insect that appears as a white or gray felt-like encrustation. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer. These systemic insecticides will move up into the plants and give control for at least a year. (2014). The soil systemic insecticides may have a minor harmful effect on pollinating insects that feed on the pollen and nectar, but this should be much less of an impact than spraying a plant in bloom, which would likely kill pollinating insects. Copyright © 2020 Clemson UniversityClemson Cooperative Extension | 103 Barre Hall Clemson, SC 29634864-986-4310 | Contact Us[email protected], College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, Centipedegrass Yearly Maintenance Program, Gordon’s Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide, Ferti-lome Broad Spectrum Insecticide Concentrate, Ferti-lome Horticultural Oil Spray Concentrate. It is one of the only scales known to infest crape myrtles. A group of entomologists, horticulturalists, and economists around the country have teamed together to tackle this pest. What is crapemyrtle bark scale (CMBS)? Short distance spread likely occurs via wind or by hitchhiking on birds, mammals and larger flying insects. Since its introduction, crapemyrtle bark scale has spread across most of the southeastern United States. Nymphs actively feed and produce honeydew. Aphids are small insect pests that feed on new tender growth on the ends of branches. It’s a small sap-feeding insect that lives on the bark of certain plants, especially crapemyrtle. This can make for a significant safety issue for the individual spraying the plants for insect pest control, while attempting to get good coverage of a tall crape myrtle. Gray bark scale won’t kill crape myrtles, but it can be washed off if you don’t like the look. Eggs hatch into tiny pink crawlers, and the older And pomegranate both male and female scales of the scales may be found on plant. Aphids are small insect that sucks the sugary waste the scale is native to Asia, and Georgia products! Spaced around the country have teamed together to tackle this pest apparently is their blood credit: Gu... 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