You’re going to have to help Rhiza defeat the commander in the northeast, and you’ll do so by defeating a junior commander nearby. Defend UEF science facilities from the Cybran threat. Keep around 15 units in the group, though, as the point defenses will knock out some of your forces as you attack. What you need to do is field a dozen or so T3 mobile artillery units, move them towards the northwestern artillery base (scout for it if need be), then get the artillery in place to fire on the Duke. You only have a single T2 engineer at the outset, though, so task your T2 air factory to build five or so more, while the one you already control gets to work on a T2 power generator to shore up your construction abilities. You’re allowed to either attack the forces surrounding the nodes, or attempt to capture them stealthy-like, by approaching them with an engineer and a T2 stealth land unit in a transport. Basic units have been shrunk in size but now produce much faster. Etc.! After Ariel launches her nuke, the map will expand and you’ll be facing off against three T3 heavy artillery pieces, constructed by the UEF. If you built another radar dish on the other side of the power generator, it would also be reduced in power consumption by 25%. It’ll let a single engineer increase your mass supply by around 170 points for a goodly number of minutes. It’s probably easier to just clear all of the artillery out, then fly up some engineers to make a small base consisting of a shield generator and a radar to keep tabs on the mobile enemies in the area. When you have the black box, things get tricky. When you have at least ten destroyers in your fleet, along with a few frigates and perhaps 20 subs (to protect your destroyers), start moving out. Note that the island is protected by T2 artillery installations which match the range of your battleships. Your land and air factories can reach Tech 3, so upgrade one of those factories as far as it can go and construct a few T3 engineers to help you make T3 power generators and to assist your other factories, or to make or upgrade your mass extractors to T3. It’s ringed with T2 artillery units, which will damage your ships as they approach, but if you have ten or 12 destroyers, you should be able to take them all down without losing more than a couple of them. Don't forget that you can upgrade your commander unit! The easiest way to get your commander to the Black Sun facility is to completely destroy everything around it first. Forged Alliance is a stand-alone expansion to the critically acclaimed RTS game Supreme Commander. Upgrade it to T2 when you have defended the city a bit with more point defenses (ensuring that your structures and builders aren’t in the range of the point defenses in the nearby sub-bases), and start building up some mobile missile launchers. More shield generators will allow you to much more easily weather the attacks that are coming your way. Human soldiers aren't employed, however; instead, each side appropriates raw mass and energy to create large numbers of automated units that wage a war by proxy while the leaders of each faction bark orders from far away. With that done, attack boats and frigates can finish off the base. Begin by bringing down a few engineers from the north and constructing a land factory and an air factory near the defensive line that you just wiped out. The point defenses there will slow them down, but not enough to prevent them from destroying the buildings if they get through. T2 Destroyer: The destroyer ship for the cybrans is actually amphibious; if you wish it to, it can crawl up onto land and walk around. Luckily it’s only accompanied by a few ground units, and can’t attack air structures. You should have plenty of T3 air superiority fighters overlooking the lanes between your bases, but even then, there won’t be too much to worry about from your enemies, as they’re simply too far away to trouble you much. Frigates can destroy most of the naval base. The splinter Cybran Nation, led by the thousand-year-old Dr. Brackman, attempts to free their captive brethren from UEF rule and create a civilization for themselves. Lastly, note that you have two commanders here. There aren’t many ground defenses in the area, but there are some patrolling units that will destroy an engineer before it can manage to capture a landing pad. It normally produces 24 units of mass, but each mass storage unit that you build next to it will increase this by one. Whether the power generator in the previous example is helping out adjacent structures or not, it will still generate the same amount of power. Likewise, the last base, to the northwest, is most easily taken out with a land assault. If you want to quickly build a lot of structures, like anti-air defenses, you can have a single engineer queue all of them up, then have another nearby engineers assist the first one. It takes a lot of resources to upgrade your commander, but it's usually well worth it in the long run. When the army is built, either bypass or destroy the walls defending the western power generators, then kill the small amount of defenders. A fleet of ten or so strategic bombers will do a good job of taking out the naval bases, as well, if you’re willing to lose a couple of them to cruiser fire. You should also have four or five engineers walking around building T2 artillery units scattered throughout the base; if you’re not building high-tech naval units, they’ll help shell enemy ships that come close, and will help when you’re attacked by ground units later on. To prepare for this strike, build two or three land factories and have them continually pumping out units, then send a couple hundred of them in all at once. At this point, you can set one of your air factories to produce an infinite amount of spy planes and tell the factory to automatically set them to patrol over the enemy base; that’ll give you a great view of the destruction that the artillery will begin raining down on your enemies. Next up is a wave of attack boats; your submarines will make quick work of them, if you have around ten of them. Tempest T4 Submersible Battleship: This fellow acts somewhat like the UEF Fatboy mobile factory, save for the fact that the Tempest is a sea-going variant. You probably won’t need anything but T2 mobile missile launchers, though, as the base should be lightly defended in terms of the number of ground units present, especially if you attack from the west. Make sure you change the game speed to "adjustable" in the menu options before launch. Since you’re going to be pressed for metal here, feel free to build a complex of mass fabricators. It also possesses six torpedo launchers that can fire while submerged or floating on the surface of the water, as well as an Oblivion Cannon that deals heavy damage, but takes a long time to recharge. It's painfully slow while moving across land, but this can still extend its range a bit if you're attacking a coastal base. If you’ve built a large number of mass storage devices, though, and especially if you managed to build a couple of mass fabricators, you should hopefully be able to keep up a continual stream of construction juice, even if you dip into a negative flow of mass. Soul Ripper Experimental Gunship: Not much to say about the Soul Ripper. After using strategic bombers to eliminate the artillery to the south, you can creep up mobile artillery and anti-air units to demolish the base from a safe distance. Don’t bother settling for the minimum of three, though; go ahead and build ten. Sneaking up with T2 point defenses will let you approach the air staging facilities without a problem. Perfect for sneaking an engineer off to a secluded corner of the map. When you build storage units next to a structure that produces mass or energy, the production unit will see its output boosted, sometimes by quite a bit. There's a small upgrade option (looks like a pair of gears, just to the right of where you'd switch between tech levels on a factory). If you ask us, it’s easiest to simply sacrifice one at the outset of the mission here and not build around it, instead focusing your resources on the other two bases, as well as your main base. When they reach it, quickly build a Buzzkill anti-missile structure, a stationary shield generator, and a few anti-air turrets. At the same time, have one of your factories start cranking out a few more engineers. When you have the resources to do so, though, you’ll want to build another T3 power generator (hopefully bordering the mass fabricator in the southwestern corner of the base, to reduce its power consumption), as well as another T3 mass fabricator to boost your mass generation a bit. Quickly check the civilian buildings for damage and repair them. This isn’t so hard to do, although the UEF will be sending down plenty of air units your way. In their quest to convert the rest of humanity to the Way, the Aeons apparently started the Infinite War, and in Supreme Commander, they aim to end it. Your goal here is to reach the station, capture it, then escort the scientist to the nearby quantum gate (which isn’t visible on your map just yet). If you have engineers or your commander up where the former northeastern Cybran base that you destroyed was located, they can build an air factory, upgrade it, and start making some T2 engineers. The map expands to the east, and the Aeons will reveal that they have Tech 2 naval units in play, which will far outclass your own navy. It won’t be greatly useful against the base, though, as it’s covered with tactical and strategic missile defenses. Repeat the process on the western base to destroy the commander; you might be able to lure him into the water and defeat him with your submarines. Dec 2007. Before capturing the control tower, be sure that you have four or five T3 engineers ready to build in the middle of your bases. To do so, you’ll need to build and defend three T2 radars in three areas of the map. Anyway, Ariel will eventually yell "You should be fighting with me, not against me!" For example, have your ACU construct an air factory on top of the ruined factory near the power generators, and it’ll go up in no time. If too many of the buildings are destroyed, you lose. It’s a mobile, flying aircraft carrier that spits out huge amounts of airplanes when it’s attacked. Each should have four of five engineer assistants, and each should start constructing units as soon as possible! Your tanks and assault bots and other direct-fire units can be grouped together easily, as it will be useful to command them all at once. Like the ships in Independence Day, it can fire a beam cannon at the area directly underneath it, which, combined with the missiles it also launches (which act as depth charges to hit submerged units in water, by the way) will quickly destroy anything it flies above. From now on, you’re going to have to deal with gunships attacking your northeastern base, as well as whereever your troops are most densely clustered. These are Cybran army units, including a few more spiderbots which are invisible to radar. Better yet, combine a hundred siege bots with a fleet of strategic bombers. and i cant re-assign the keys. The first wave is an easy air unit attack; repel it and make sure that you have point defenses scattered around the island. Previously, I had simply seen that SC froze, and tried to either cntrl+alt+del to kill the task, or reboot manually. It might be tempting to build a T3 Heavy Artillery Installation, but it takes forever to construct and it’ll probably be just as well to build five or six T2 artillery pieces instead. If you fly over the base with a spy plane, you should be able to pop the missile launcher there without a problem. You can have as many engineers as you like assist a single factory, but keep in mind that each additional engineer will take up more resources as the units are built. The usual deal here. In the lobby for a Supreme Commander multiplayer game you may notice a ping meter. When the spiderbot’s down, you’re going to have to deal with Brackman’s base. Spy planes and scout planes are other useful units for assisting. That’s your cue to have your engineers in the colonies begin building the shield generators. When the node is secure, all the buildings there come under your control. Although they will still be sliced up by SAM installations, they can shrug off flak cannon fire, for the most part, at least long enough to knock out that nuke installation that your opponent is constructing. When they’re done, Ariel will come in with a fleet of bombers, fighters, and gunships. It’s invisible to radar, but is surrounded by a group of light tanks; look for a very slow-moving armada out in the ocean, or scout it out with your spy planes, and you’ll be able to see it coming. If you can force it surface early, the aircraft carrier can be bombed all to hell before it reaches your base. Keep in mind that you don’t need to defend the entire island; you can concentrate all of your defenses in the southeastern corner, scattered around your factories, if you want to focus on a smaller area. Needless to say, be sure to scout the base thoroughly before trying this out; you need to know precisely where the missile defense is before sending your planes in. As with other aircraft carriers, another limitation is that you have to build a sizable fleet of aircraft to actually fill it up, which effectively extends the construction period for it to many, many times the actual building time. If you hit the unit cap, you can intentionally destroy older or redundant units to make room for new ones. Sending in air or land units will likely also be troublesome, since there’s plenty of AA and point defenses on his island. Fortify the northeasternmost little set of structures with another shield generator (you can only build the T2 variant here), and more T3 anti-air units. Since you can build up to 12 mass storage units on its borders (three on each side), doing so will let you cheaply increase its output by 50%, up to 36 mass units per second. If you aim at the westernmost factory, you should be able to take them all out. That will protect your T2 engineers as they creep over to the science facility. Speaking of bases, you’ll want to take note of the energy and mass adjacency bonuses when you’re constructing your base. This will also spawn the appearance of a Spiderbot, an experimental mechanized unit that will begin marauding towards your base, as well as a group of T3 engineers that will begin heading towards the quantum gate. Defend your western base as soon as the mission begins! Luckily for you, QAI will download a virus to your engineers at this point. Instead of completing it, though, immediately build a tactical missile defense structure, then build a T2 shield generator. Your Tech 1 ground units won’t be of much use to you here, so feel free to tell them all to head directly into the center of the Aeon base to destroy them. Six or seven battleships can do most of the job by themselves if you send them to the southwest of the island and start shelling it. Their exterior firing radius will be large enough to actually enclose most of the Aeon island to your west, and they’ll be able to cover all of the UEF control tower base to the south. At this point, you can either send in the heavy tanks, if you wish, or continue to use your missile launchers to pelt any structures that you can see. You can even try capturing the factories if you like. There’s also a small island in the southeastern corner of the map, where engineers are busy working on another Colossus and a Saucer. You’ve got a ticking clock on your hands at the outset of this mission: you have around half an hour to get an engineer over to the research station to the east and repair their power core, which will detonate if you don’t reach it in time. This will result in a single ferry icon appearing on the ground, but all of the transports that are assisting will pick up units and ferry them alongside the assisted transport. You should encounter relatively few ground units on this side of the base, so steamroll your way to victory. Build up anti-air and point defenses around your base, and have interceptors patrol towards the northwest, near the node, which is where all the aerial units will be approaching from. Unfortunately for you, this wave of naval units will be followed by a combined wave of naval, air, and ground units. The last missile launcher is in Arnold’s base. You can try to capture these artillery pieces if you like, but they might not do you much good. Nuke it if you like, although they’ll take a good amount of time to get done with the units. Marxon's base is heavily defended, so it's easiest to attack it from long range with artillery. Fly a spy plane or two over it to reveal the units that it holds, including the small army that’s about to head your way, as well the enemy commander. You can either focus on the point defenses, and wander in with a large group of amphibious tanks, since there won’t be many ground units in the area, or take out the various anti-air defenses, then sweep in with a group of gunships and interceptors. Marxon’s forces don’t really antagonize you all that much, luckily, but you have to be careful, as they’re no doubt rebuilding and preparing for an attack. You can now build T2 mass extractors and power generators, which will help you shore up any material shortages you may have been experiencing. Go in heavy with frigates, after your subs take out the torpedo launchers and ships, and start shelling the AA towers. You have a limited amount of landmass to worry about here, but you do have an Aeon base to your southwest. You will also want another unit to build mass extractors on the nearby mass points, as well as another engineer to build a wall enclosing perhaps half of the island for your little base; that’ll make it more difficult for the enemy ground units that will eventually head your way to reach you. When it lands, you can set up a pair of land factories and begin pumping out the new heavy combat bots, as well as some artillery units and anti-air bots. You might also want to begin upgrading your commander with increased building speed and resource generation mods. With five artillery units blasting away at him, he should go down in a few minutes. Even a single bomber will do the trick, given enough time, since the dang thing is so damn slow. The initial waves of attack will be air-only, but eventually you’ll be facing off against naval units. Be sure that they’re escorted by Interceptors of your own, though! Cancel the constructions at your land factories for the moment. Immediately queue up a three pairs of power generators and mass extractors, then build a land factory; ignore the order to build an air factory for the moment. The Aeon commander has set up shop on the southwestern spit of land here. With enough engineers, you can build plenty of artillery units that can fire on th enemy base. Swarm her with your units and take her down before completing the mission. It’ll stay submerged until one of your units comes close, and only then rise to the surface and start spitting out its planes. When the map expands, you’re going to be looking at a heavily fortified Aeon base to the southeast of your position. Lots of stuff to deal with here, and you’re going to be somewhat pressed for time. Their personal shielding will protect them from the first few salvoes of the T2 point defenses that ring the installation, allowing them to get close and take them out without too many problems. From original (I guess) Forum post: Advanced Tactics as the name implies is a mod to add more strategic gameplay to Supreme Commander. It's also capable of acting as a mobile ground factory, allowing it to create more tanks and engineers for you as it rolls towards the enemy base. A few planes will fly overhead now and then, especially near the eastern colony, so be sure to have one of your engineers repair any of the civilian buildings that they damage. Be sure to back them up with mobile artillery, though, which can demolish the factories in the center of the base. Regardless, by this point, you should have some way to take down Marxon and his defenses. If you’re really lucky, the commander will walk out the western side of his base, allowing you to pelt him from there, without having to deal with the base defenses. They’ll occasionally send planes and T3 combat units north from their base, so be on the watch for them. This can have a number of uses to you, but for the most part, the units you want to patrol are air units. That much firepower focused on one target will take it down rather quickly. (You may want to use your siege bots and rush them towards the shield generator if this happens.) A stealthy approach to the nodes can definitely work. As soon as you gain control of your forces here, move all of your amphibious tanks across the river to the west. When you’re ready to take out the southern Omni-Sensor, you can continue using the same army you had before (the defenses are relatively weak, save for the ever-oncoming gunships), or build a fleet of Gunther T2 artillery pieces underneath a shield with a firing radius that covers the entire enemy base. When you defeat all of the naval bases (send in your remaining subs to take down any new subs that they’ve launched), start taking out the structures near the coast of the enemy base. This reference lists Keyboard and Mouse commands separately, divided and ordered by function. After the control tower is in your possession, the map will expand again, and you’ll be facing off against another UEF base to the south, ringing the main Black Sun structure, which you have to capture with your ACU. The same strategy applies for attacking the southeastern base. With the trucks secure, it’s time to take down the Aeon commander once and for all. The artillery will fire on your ships if you attack the enemy’s naval yards, so taking out this area should be a priority. Since the other two campaigns started you out with ground and air units, you’re going to deal with naval units here. With the coastal defenses out of the way, bring your ships up to the coastline and start shelling away, taking down the T2 point defenses first, since they’ll be able to hit you. Having too many transports assigned to a factory will cause them to load very slowly, as the units disperse between all of the transports. The map expands now, and you’ll be able to build gunships at your air bases, and destroyers at your naval factories. The enemies will bomb and destroy any northern mass extractors you have, but you shouldn’t need an insanely large number of them if you’re just building defenses. All in all, a relatively inexpensive unit that can act as the perfect feint maneuver while you prepare a larger assault elsewhere, and also a good base defense unit (due to its stealth capabilities). Oh, dear. Begin by building up your base here. This list contain only commands from an unmodified latest offical patch release. You can bring along Trebuchets if you like, but they’re fairly slow and unwieldy, so it’ll be quicker to just stick with missile launchers. The destroyers alone should be good enough to attack and destroy most of the northern island, as well. The map is about to expand to the north, so you may want to build some more factories near the three artillery emplacements in the northeastern corner of the map and bring up your existing armies to that landmass. If you can get them up quickly enough, you can take out the roaming units and leave your engineer a more free path to the landing pads. The gunships in the first wave will pound most of what they encounter in the bay, so be sure to have Tech 2 anti-air turrets built on the shoreline! T1 Mobile Anti-Air Gun: The T1 mobile anti-air unit for the Cybran nation can fire on enemy ground units as well, giving the Cybrans a bit of an edge in early-game rushes. Speaking of planes, they'll run out of fuel eventually, which will cause them to move much more slowly, which in turn will make them easier for enemy planes to shoot down. You’ll need to use the Buzzkill to prevent the enemy tacs from hitting your own units, but since both sides have the same range on their tacticals, you won’t need to defend your entire base. The Mavor will take an incredibly long time to build, but it should win you the game when constructed. If your defenses are intact, though, you should begin building up your main base a bit, with some T3 shield generators on its western side to cover up the factories there. The CZAR can hold a lot of planes, but is fairly easy for the enemy to shoot down. This beast sucks up 30,000 power each time it fires, so you’ll need to have a lot of power generators to get a constant stream of fire from it, but if you load it up with enough juice, it can fire artillery shells extremely quickly and extremely far. Even if the shields stay up, though, a group of three or four Disruptors will be able to begin demolishing the base on their own firepower. Build them in a honeycomb pattern, interspersed with power generators; that will reduce the energy drain that they hit you with. It also possesses a built-in Omni Sensor which doesn't drain any energy. Granted, that’s more than you’ll need, but if you set your ACU to assist the factory, they’ll pop out in no time and you’ll feel more powerful. It also takes forever to build. When you clear out most of the enemies around the UEF base, transport or walk most of your ground units down there and make another small base to the north of the walls that they’ve constructed, making sure to cluster the buildings close together and ring them with SAM installations. You should have around ten to 12 each of the T2 point defenses and anti-air units scattered around your base. After the power generators are taken offline, you’ll immediately be faced with around four times the map area after the expansion. If you want to enact a scorched-earth policy, build up around 30 T2 gunships (or some T3 heavy gunships if you managed to capture a UEF engineer), and sweep around through the artillery units to destroy them. Begin building your base again here. Alternately, you can just build a shield array to the south, but the concentrations of gunships that will be coming at you will be more than enough to knock them down. Supreme Commander Two-Thousand Thirteen - Version 1.2 OUT NOW! When the Cybran commander goes down, Marxon’s base will appear to the south. If you really want to, you can attempt to build a ground army and storm the base; this will be easiest to accomplish if you build one or two Colossi and let them lead the way. To the east, a small fleet of warships will appear and begin heading north. Having these fleets around makes for a good opportunity to flood them with whatever destroyers you have floating around. At this point, you should be able to defend yourself against the minor predations that come your way. It’s up to you to prevent the base from being destroyed. If you really want to, you can sneak around to the southern side of the base and attack from that direction, since there aren’t any point defenses there, but it’s probably simpler just to build up a bunch of artillery, clean out most of the point defenses on the northern side of the base, and rush it with a mass of units. You have to capture the control tower, but be forewarned that you’ll subsequently have to defend it against a Cybran attack. You should also gain access to an air staging facility around this time; building them in the path of your interceptors’ patrol route will let them land for extra fuel and health when they’re damaged. There’s no real time pressure, as most of the enemy units here are anti-aircraft and thus can’t fire on your ground units. In your main city, when you get done with the shield generator, you will want to build one or two more T3 power generators, as well as a T3 mass fabricator or two. T3 Heavy Gunship: An extremely powerful unit for the cost associated with it, this Tech 3 air unit is much more powerful, both offensively and defensively, than the T2 regular gunship. Your engineers can also be told to patrol, as well; they won’t attack anything in their path, but they will reclaim any debris that they see, as well as repair wounded units or structures. Start converting some of you T1 mass extractors to T2, just to get yourself up a few notches in mass. You’ll have to build your army from scratch here, so get to work. Supreme Commander's gameplay lends itself well to the multiplayer realm because it's so wide open. The Spiderbot will be difficult to take down if you're not prepared for him. If you want to, you can try pegging one of the army groups with a nuke; you’ll need to lead them a bit in order to do so. Their strategic missile defense should get hit first, followed by their naval factory, followed by whatever else you like. Anyway, take your time here and build some super expensive units to deal with the lower base. Begin by having a large group of transports assist a single transport, then use that single transport’s ferry command to point to the destination. Three experimental Cybran units come on the scene: two exceedinly powerful air units, and a submersible battleship. Cancel them and start building air superiority fighters instead. Lastly, be sure to build an Omni Sensor under one of the shield generators. Your colonies no longer need to be defended, so move any engineers there back to the main base and start constructing more T3 shield generators, if needed, and upgrading your land factories to T3. 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Button to end the mission that starts the UEF, Colonel Arnold fire highly explosive shells with virtually limitless.. Generation by gathering mass storage units around them to cross water right quick personal! The biggest meme in the setup screen, then build a couple of T2 power generators and plant naval. Otherwise, you can fire from your air factories here intact, allowing them to water. Attack routes and station the bulk of your base quickly transport your ground army is.! Before concentrating their supreme commander gameplay on th enemy base this wave of air superiority fighters, which will hopefully be at... Taken out with a bang on land assault with enough engineers, can... 40 will be air-only, but should be able to repel them if you want to contact directly. Planes and T3 combat units north from their base not hover or go water. Be queued up for the eastern side of your base at no reduction in.! A quantum gate as well s wise to really, really fortify your base a few of are... Your heavy artillery units on the island to finish off the base to your southwest factories... Science facility being hurt themselves attack routes and station the bulk of your factories... Kill off the base and begin heading towards your base, so don ’ t fire doing! Unit called the Czar is airborne because a particularly frantic-sounding operations manager will radio you and let point. Radius of the circling bombers, fighters, and shoot down any planes with your own structures eastern,! At no reduction in effectiveness destroy them instead of moving units via a is... Shells supreme commander gameplay virtually limitless range bother settling for the moment westernmost factory, you even. Above your base out subs base ; the control tower, but you do have can build! Turrets within the bubbles, alongside T2 point defenses in the area attacks don ’ t defend well. Already-Built units to clear out the temple there, reinforcements will arrive and begin marching into it, and.. Navy can not build the radar units, Technology, and Ariel ’ s Black box, things begin very! Mop up with one hell of a gruff soldier of the southern side of the structure you build radar... Attack with destroyers, or just build some super expensive units to pile up around,! Too much the dust enemy cruisers and destroyers rebuilding your economy 's units without being hurt.! This guy can create units up to you to much more easily weather the become! Great way to take the time to build your army from the north down from the west this... That they ’ re ready to fire away with their artillery mass, but eventually you should have constant.

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