The argument is the Object ID for the seed item. IDs seem to be buildings and animals from Data/Blueprints. Tracks played this way will be added to the songsHeard list and be available to play on the Jukebox afterwards. Curly braces in the key ({, }) will be converted to angle brackets (<, >). Toggles network message logging on and off. Removes all quests from your journal/quest log. Syntax: killmonsterstat . Example: debug createdebris 24 would spawn a parsnip. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). Adds all of the appropriate flags for Community Center completion and restores all areas. Syntax: movie [S:npcNameOrMovieID] [S:movieID]. Increases the amount of leaves flying around if in debris/windy weather. Accepts only object names; this is not a fuzzy match but is case-insensitive and spaces should still be included (see examples below). Syntax: minedifficulty [I:difficultyLevel]. Details unknown. Does not set the letter as received or cause it to show in the letter tab of the collections menu. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). Unsure of what situation this can be used in. This is a temporary change and the light will revert if the location is reset or re-entered. As the lantern was not fully implemented, this doesn't do much. We've become decent friends, haven't we? Horse may disappear after dismounting if there is no stable for it. This is basically a zero-based count of the item definitions in the appropriate data file, and since these definitions can be altered by mods this a difficult command to use. Adds a lantern to your inventory which looks like an axe and will softlock the player when trying to use it; canmove can be used to fix the soft lock. Will turn off debris/windy weather. Details unknown. Example: debug furniture 704 would give you an Oak Dresser. Animals within any of the buildings will also be removed, but animals which are outside will not be. Adds the specified special item to your wallet. We are in the process of transferring the hosting and maintenance responsibilities of the wiki from Chucklefish to ConcernedApe, which is why the wiki will temporarily be hosted at Each has a range of 0-255. Spawns long grass on all available tiles on the farm. Names are case-sensitive and may contain spaces. Host only. I keep having this dream. I like that dish quite a bit. If no coordinates are given, it will spawn 1 tile north of the player. Sets your money to the specified amount. Which ID values are useful is currently unknown. Known IDs as of version 1.4.3 are: AverageBedtime, BarsSmelted, BeveragesMade, BouldersCracked, CaveCarrotsFound, CheeseMade, ChickenEggsLayed, CoalFound, CoinsFound, CopperFound, CowMilkProduced, CropsShipped, DaysPlayed, DiamondsFound, DirtHoed, DuckEggsLayed, FishCaught, GeodesCracked, GiftsGiven, GoatCheeseMade, GoatMilkProduced, GoldFound, GoodFriends, IndividualMoneyEarned, IridiumFound, IronFound, ItemsCooked, ItemsCrafted, ItemsForaged, ItemsShipped, MonstersKilled, MysticStonesCrushed, NotesFound, OtherPreciousGemsFound, PiecesOfTrashRecycled, PreservesMade, PrismaticShardsFound, QuestsCompleted, RabbitWoolProduced, RocksCrushed, SeedsSown, SheepWoolProduced, SlimesKilled, StarLevelCropsShipped, StepsTaken, SticksChopped, StoneGathered, StumpsChopped, TimesFished, TimesUnconscious, TrufflesFound, and WeedsEliminated. Sets the specified stat to the specified value. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. I carved them myself.」, 「Wow, this snowman needs a makeover. Adds a new baby animal of the specified type to the Farm. Warps specified character to the endpoint of their current schedule entry. That's more important than getting A's in school.」, 「Is one child enough, or should we raise another? Useful for testing dialogue changes. Ex. with her happy portrait. Steam achievements which correspond to in-game achievements use the same numeric ID as listed in Achievement data with one exception: the ID for Greenhorn is a0 instead of just 0. Name is a fuzzy match. The first argument is the Object ID or Craftable ID. The optional parameters are for stack amount (default is 1) and quality (default is 0.). Syntax: eventtestspecific [...]. I bet your farm did great this past summer, huh? This does not unlock crafting recipes or allow profession choice, nor does it change the underlying experience amount. Syntax: monster [I:facingDirection]. The monster name should be the same as the keys in Data/Monsters but with spaces replaced with zeros; it is case-sensitive. If no texture is specified, the game will use the next ID after the current floor texture without checking for overflow which can create bugged textures. Warps specified character to the given coordinates on the specified map. Use caution when testing this command if you're photosensitive, as it triggers very intense screen flashes. All normal point caps are in place, so a bachelor you aren't dating will not increase past 8 hearts. Starts the Crane Game minigame from the Movie Theater populated with prizes based on which movie is (or would be) showing for the current month. Example: debug craftingrecipe Ancient Seeds will give you the recipe to craft plantable ancient seeds from the artifact. Sets season to the specified value. Starts the specified minigame or cutscene. Spawns two large patches of grass and 18 random fruit trees (cherry and apricot), Spawns large groups of torches, furnaces, preserve jars, cheese presses, and kegs; the kegs are full of ancient fruit to make wine, Spawns a coop, barn, and silo in specific spots, All tools are upgraded to Iridium quality, Shears, a milk pail, and full stacks of wood, stone, wood fence, parsnip seeds, and bean starter are added to your inventory. Stardew Valley has hundreds of hidden debug commands which the developers use to test the game, documented on this page. Example: debug dialogue Abi 0Hi @! Plays the animation of the bus leaving the Bus Stop and driving to the desert. Because of the zero replacement, some letters (e.g. Marks every letter defined in Data/mail as already read. The season name is case-insensitive; valid names are spring, summer, fall, and winter. Removes all light sources from the current location. People judge him, but he's just living a different lifestyle. Spawns a new Horse at the given coordinates of the current location. The player will be warped to the Island Docks when the cutscene ends. Sets the kill stats for the specified monster to the specified value. Name is an exact match. Sets the game to toggle between shared or split money overnight. See the modder's resource spreadsheet (Sound Bank IDs tab) for a list of valid cue IDs. If no ID is specified, this will randomly pick from any floor (ID 0-39) or wallpaper (ID 0-111). Margotbeanによって最後に編集されました 2020-07-04 20:55:46. Syntax: lsd . Toggles the bloomDay flag on and off, essentially turning the bloom effects themselves on or off. Soon the official wiki will resume at and will be hosted going forward by ConcernedApe. Teaches you the specified cooking recipe. The associated events for these two are also marked as seen. To enter debug commands, you must install SMAPI (and not delete its bundled Console Commands mod). Awards the specified Steam achievement. Stardew Valley. Will output {X:0 Y:0} if there are no active panning spots. The shell is beautiful! If no ID is specified, a random unseen note will be added. Some don't believe me, but I know it's true. This includes things like fences, machines, and chests, but does not include flooring or long grass. Do you raise sheep in your barn? Music codes for Roblox We have many music codes for Roblox in the table given below. If the specified NPC is not normally marriageable, the wedding will still occur but they will be invisible on the wedding day. Completes all objectives for all currently active Special Orders and Qi Challenges. Valid skill IDs are 0 (Farming), 1 (Fishing), 2 (Foraging), 3 (Mining), 4 (Combat), and 5 (Luck). Warps specified character to the given coordinates on the current map. To also change the stat which tracks how many total fish have been caught, see caughtfish. It's a hassle to keep it clean. The can sprite may not fully update until the inventory is closed and reopened. Toggles rainy weather on and off. Otherwise, spawns a new child named "Baby2" with gender and skin tone randomly chosen; the child will start at stage 3 (crawling) and may initially spawn out of bounds. Syntax: skullcavedifficulty [I:difficultyLevel]. Syntax: dye . See examples. Note: if you do not include enough parameters, an error message will be printed to the console which incorrectly states the default facing direction is 1. Well, you know what they say... 'You can't cage a wild Junimo'」, 「If I didn't have to work I'd suggest we go on a nice picnic!」, 「I think Clint's mad at me. For example, any of the following 3 commands will set the player's friendship with Abigail to 500 points (2 hearts): Many of the commands which accept an NPC name can also accept farmer to reference the player instead. Example: debug fillwithobject 13 true would fill the map with furnaces. This does not actually add any items but does increment some collection stats and may be useful for completing gathering quests. Music codes for Roblox 2020. all roblox ID The last parameter will set the brightWhiteOnly flag to true if it is present and false if it is absent. marks them as having been given a bouquet. Sets the player's hair style to the specified ID. If the itemID is not supplied, a random piece of furniture (ID 0 - 1612) will be given. Queues every letter defined in Data/mail for delivery tomorrow. If the coordinates are not specified, it will build just to the right of your farmer. I wish everyone could learn to be accepting of others.」, 「It doesn't rain much in summer, does it? Name is a fuzzy match. I have a strong gut-feeling!」, 「Sometimes the flowers speak to me... each one has a different story to tell!」, 「Ah, spring. The optional parameters are for stack amount (defaults is 1) and quality (default is 0.). Sets the FishCaught stat to the specified amount. Steam-only achievements have a much longer string ID; these are listed below. Example: debug ebi 992559 would trigger the event where Emily visits the farm and gives you access to her sewing machine. Valid types are: 0 (Standard), 1 (Riverland), 2 (Forest), 3 (Hilltop), 4 (Wilderness), or 5 (Four Corners). This no longer has a noticeable effect since pants are now a clothing item; the dyepants command should be used instead. This is a fuzzy match, and they will be marked as met if previously unmet. He's a nice guy, if you get to know him. Can be used to go beyond the normal limits of 75 - 125 percent. Must be done on the Bus Stop map. Creates an additional new male farmer with randomized name and appearance which spawns 1 tile to the left of your farmer. SMAPI is the mod loader for Stardew Valley.It works fine with GOG and Steam achievements, it's compatible with Linux/Mac/Windows, you can uninstall it anytime, and there's a friendly community if you need help. Harry Potter crossover fanfiction archive. These are different than the stats used in getstat/setstat (Technical note: they are entries in StardewValley.Stats.stat_dictionary). Character name is a fuzzy match, but location is exact. If you have children, advances the age of the first child to the next stage. Host only. Adds a month of growth to all fruit trees in the current location, causing even newly-planted saplings to instantly mature. Can you believe it?」, 「Have you figured out what you're going to use for our grange display tomorrow?」, 「Our bodies are naturally in tune with the seasons. It can be easy to forget, sometimes.」, 「I can hear the plants talking to each other... they're so happy after today's rain!」, 「How was your day, [Player]? Note this is different from the more user-friendly version that can be accessed from the credits screen. This is an integer interpreted as the zoom percent. Name is a fuzzy match. Sets the current year to the specified value. Valid choices are listed below. Sets all animals who live in the current building to day 1 of adulthood. the collection pages). Strength is a float between 0 and 1 inclusive; the higher the number, the more vibrant the color. Maybe I should ask Demetrius.」, 「If I wasn't so busy I'd help you dig around in that cave by the lake. Adds a junimo at the specified coordinates and assigned to the given Community Center area. ID) of the specified object to the SMAPI console. Sets the player's hair color to the specified RGB values. Starts the Test minigame. Increases the upgrade level of your farmhouse/cabin to the next level (max 3). The locations are randomly chosen and no checking is done on the underlying tiles, so they may wind up in impassable areas. This does take an event ID; events which have prerequisites of other events might not start if those prerequisites have not been seen. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. See Data/Quests for a list of IDs. Kundeservice. Modding is fun!$h would set Abigail's next dialogue to be Hi (FarmerName)! Sets all animals who live in the current location to day 1 of adulthood. Sets specified character to face the specified direction. If done while the player is inside the house, warp points may not immediately update. Removes all furniture from the current location. Most are double-precision floats which are divided by 10. Example: debug item 74 would give you a Prismatic Shard. Example: debug ps purchase would make the coin clink sound heard when buying and selling items. It's nice of you to visit me like this.」, 「Have faith... every day you're taking one more step on the path of your destiny.」, 「Do you ever think about the texture of fabric, [Player]? Example: debug build Stone9Cabin would build a new Stone Cabin next to the player. Can be used on either host or client. Starts the specified festival ID. The Rusty Key, Skull Key, Special Charm, Dark Talisman, Magic Ink, Club Card, Dwarven Translation Guide, and Magnifying Glass will all be removed, but Bear's Knowledge and Spring Onion Mastery will remain. I can feel the pure blue energy radiating from it.」, 「I had another dream about us last night. Spawns 3 Deluxe Coops full of chickens, 2 Deluxe Barns full of cows, a mill, a stable, and a silo in specific spots. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. See Data/Quests for a list of IDs. Removes specified NPC from the game, checking all game locations. Adds the specified clothing item to your inventory. ]」, 「You know, I'm sure Gus would understand if I wanted to leave the Saloon someday. Sets the player's shirt choice to the specified ID. Angel Sanctuary 1. Increments an unused barn upgrade level variable (max 3).Warning: This feature was not completely implemented and the game will crash on new day due to missing textures after using it. Have a nice day.」, 「Gus seems to have problems organizing everything without me around.」, 「My day went well... it's good to get out of the house now and then.」, 「I hope we can raise [child] to be kind and considerate. Basically the same as crafting, but this one does not check if you already know the recipe before adding so it may output some error messages to the console about duplicate keys. Example: debug fencedecay 60 would age all fences by 60 days which would break any basic Wood Fences (their base health is 54-58 days). If the second argument is "true", the ID will be interpreted as a craftable, but if it is anything else (or missing) the ID will be interpreted as an object. Plays the extended cutscene of the first boat trip to Ginger Island. Once that's done, you can type commands directly into the SMAPI console window (or chat if using Chat Commands). If no amount is given, the increase will be 2500 points (10 hearts). Plants specified seed in all tilled dirt on the farm. Shows an animation of a sprinkle effect around the farmer. The first line of the file should specify the location where the event takes place, and the rest of the file should be the same as a normal event script except that line breaks will be treated as / delimiters. Starts a new random item Delivery quest. When on, disables the resolution and window mode options as well as both "Exit to Title" and "Exit to Desktop" buttons. Starts the fishing minigame with the specified fish hooked and a treasure chest available. Use removefurniture instead for other locations such as sheds. Adds the specified value to the festival score. Ages all fences in the current location the specified amount of days. Outputs (to the SMAPI console) the coordinates of any "shiny spots" suitable for panning on the current map. ... Sweet Valley series 1. Clears records of all received mail (including hidden progress flags.) Increments an unused coop upgrade level variable (max 3).Warning: This feature was not completely implemented and the game will crash on new day due to missing textures after using it. Clears all world state IDs which track map changes such as whether the beach bridge is fixed, whether Trash Bear has done his thing and various small changes from heart events.Warning: Also clears records of found artifacts and minerals, fish caught, events seen, and mail received (including hidden progress flags.). Adds unfound artifacts and minerals to your inventory until it is full. Syntax: fuzzyitemnamed [I:amount] [I:quality], Adds the specified item to your inventory. Will work with larger-than-normal inventories. Toggles bandwidth logging on and off. This is a test" above the specified NPC's head. Valid movie IDs are listed after the parameter explanation. Sets the player's pants color to the specified RGB values. Changes day of the month to the specified value; stays in current season and adjusts daysPlayed statistic appropriately. Also sets your maximum health to 75 and gives you the Fighter profession. He explains that it belongs to him and sometimes he goes for long rides alone far away from Stardew Valley. Syntax: event [S:dontClearEvents]. Goes through all Farm buildings and removes entries for animals which no longer live in that building. Adds a "Farmer's Catalogue" to your inventory which looks like an axe and opens up a partially-implemented menu when used. これを着ているとき、あなたの無事な帰りを待っている自分のことを思い出して欲しいと言って、カットシーンは終了します。, もし独身のプレイヤーが全ての独身女性に花束を渡し、彼女たちの友好度を10にまで上げて、全員の10ハートイベントを見ている場合、ウィロー通り2番地(ヘイリーとエミリーの家)に入るとカットシーンが流れます。, もしプレイヤーが持ち物にウサギの足を持っていなかった場合、全ての独身女性たちはプレイヤーが一度に全員とデートをしようとしたことに対し怒りながら説明を求めてきます。その時の会話選択に関係なく、全員、プレイヤーに対し冷たい態度をとることに決めます。彼女たちは話しかけても怒った返事しかしなくなりプレゼントを渡しても断られるようになりますが、およそ一週間を過ぎるとプレイヤーを許し、会話も普通に戻ります。, 結婚すると、エミリーは家に引っ越してきます。他の結婚候補者と同様に、彼女は自分の部屋を寝室の右側に追加します。彼女はまた家の後ろに小さなクリスタルガーデンを設け、そこで瞑想をすることがあります。 マルチプレイヤーモードの場合、ハート4イベントを見ていないプレイヤーにはエミリーのオウムが表示されないことに注意して下さい。, 雨の日の朝には、エミリーから布、ウール、アヒルのハネ、精錬クリスタル、またはマメのシチューが提供されます。雨の日の夜にはライスプディング、ブルーベリータルト、クッキー、またはチョコレートケーキなど、「生」、「グルテンフリー」、「サボテンシロップのみで甘味を加えた」デザートを提供することがあります。エミリーが一日中家の中にいる日、彼女は布、ウール、アヒルのハネ、精錬クリスタル、マメのシチュー、コーヒー、またはオムニジオードを提供するかもしれません。, ゲームの開発が進むにつれて、エミリーの見た目はよりよくなっていきました。 ここでは、ConcernedApeのイラストとエミリーの見た目が、ゲームの発表前にどのように変わっていったかを示しています。, 健康診断中。 "Doctor, I'd like to go with the 'natural remedy' if possible. I just hope you treat the poor things humanely. The population of each of the ponds will be set to the specified value and defaults to 10. Example: debug minelevel 219 will warp you to level 99 of the Skull Cavern. Opens the full character customization menu seen at the start of a new game which includes gender options and player/farm names. Don't they get hit by the raindrops?」, 「A day like this is a blessing from mother nature.」, 「I meant to let the parrot go free, but his wing never fully healed. Will work with larger-than-normal inventories. Similar to nosave but does not output a status message. Unpauses all farm animals in the current location. Syntax: warp [I:X] [I:Y], Warps you to the specified location at the given coordinates. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home? The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. Spawns a Pepper Rex just to the right of your farmer. I knew right then that our life-paths would intertwine.」, 「I know you pride yourself on your work, but don't overdo it today. Stat IDs are case-sensitive; see getstat more information. Valid texture numbers are 0 - 55; see Flooring for previews but note that the IDs used by the game are 1 less than the numbers used for the wiki filenames. Starts the specified quest. I actually prefer jewel tones, myself. Changing the player name will cause the save file to change as well. Displays a global message listing how many NPCs are in the current location. Teaches you the specified crafting recipe. I bet there are some powerful crystals inside there.」, 「Do you know how to cook 'Bean Hotpot'? NPC names are case-insensitive and can be one of the following: pierre, robin, krobus, sandy, marnie, clint, gus, willy, pam, dwarf, and wizard. Opens the "returned donations" menu of the Lost and Found box from the Mayor's Manor. Ends (and restarts) the current event.Warning: also clears all records of events seen, dialogue questions answered, and mail received (including hidden mail flags.). The commands themselves are case-insensitive, but parameters may still be case-sensitive. Removes all light glows from the current location. Grows long grass the specified number of times in the current location. And remind her to visit me tomorrow.」, 「You're such a nice person, [Player]! It's a good smell.」, 「I swept the whole house, washed the windows, dusted, and cleaned the fridge. You must have a fishing line already cast into the water before entering the command in order to actually receive the fish after completing the minigame. Thanks for being my friend.」, 「Be careful an icicle doesn't fall on your head! You can also install the Chat Commands mod to use debug commands through the in-game chat (trying without it will either silently fail, or show the response ConcernedApe: Nice try...). Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side Series 2. Warps the specified character directly to you; name is a fuzzy match. Prints the Gem Bird Puzzle solution to the console. Gives you the specified number of Qi Gems. Modding is fun! I think she'll become a very nice young lady some day... Don't tell her I said that. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Harry Potter universe. Removes all furniture from the current location. Sets your energy to -15, resulting in passing out and ending the day. Stardew Valley 2. Clears the farm and then does the following: Removes all farm buildings and completely clears large areas of the current farm (the presence of a second parameter causes a larger area to be cleared.) If the requested name is not unique, all matching objects will be added. Completes specified quest and removes it from your journal. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. The game will randomly choose either a Deluxe Barn full of cows or a Deluxe Coop full of chickens for each (equal chance). Does not affect mines level progress or monster eradication goals. Example: debug spreadseeds 472 would plant parsnips on all hoed dirt tiles. Queues specified mail for delivery tomorrow for all players. See Data/Quests for a list of IDs. May cause each of them to eat hay. These include maxing all friendships, marking all fish as caught, awarding and marking complete all cooking and crafting recipes, marking all items as shipped, setting the flags for all stardrops, setting all skill levels to 10, awarding 500 kills for all monsters, forcibly placing all 4 obelisks and the gold clock in the upper left corner of the farm, and giving 130 walnuts. Sets music volume to the specified value. Pauses all farm animals in the current location indefinitely. Gives the player a speed buff of the specified amount for the specified duration. Outputs all object context tags associated with the currently-held item to the console. You do not need to be married or have an upgraded house to use this command. Each command should start with a slash character (. Spawns the specified amount of Quartz terrain features on the Farm. Additional "hits" may trigger during the game, and none of the fishing pole animations will play. The largest network of nude patches and nude mods for all popular games. I've never lived with anyone but my family. Example: debug speed 5 600 will give you a +5 speed buff which lasts for 7 minutes (10 game hours). While higher-level farm buildings such as Deluxe Barns can be immediately built this way, the incubator will be missing from Big or Deluxe Coops. grandpa - starts the Grandpa Story cutscene of which plays at the start of a new game. The dialogue string should start with a zero and everything after will be parsed. Let's make this a special one.」, 「My friends, the plants, have come back to life. The coordinates are the upper-left corner of the building's footprint. Gives and automatically equips the specified hat to your farmer; any currently equipped hat will be destroyed. Useful for event modding. Does not affect the records of which artifacts and minerals have been found (i.e. Seems inconsistent. The object will initially be laying on the ground and will be picked up if you have room once the game regains focus. We have no idea when they'll be back. Upgrade levels are 0 (basic), 1 (copper), 2 (steel), 3 (gold), or 4 (iridium). Use level 77377 to warp to the Quarry Mine, and to warp to a level in the Skull Cavern, add 120 to your target level. Plays the specified music track. Name is an exact match. Velocity is a float and defaults to 8.0 if not supplied, which results in a jump of about half the height of the player character. See Furniture data for a list of base game IDs. Family Matters 1. This simulates days passing for some things such as grass and fruit trees growing or fish reproducing in ponds. Toggles invincibility. This brings up a window showing a variety of flooring textures; left-click closes the window. Furniture and placed items will not be automatically moved and may wind up out of bounds. I hope you had a wonderful day.」, 「Is it bed time already? Warps you to the specified character, wherever they are. Brings up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for dyeing your currently-equipped shirt. The match is case-insensitive and any spaces should be removed from the name. Note that these IDs are one less than the values shown in the character customization menu and have a range of 0-23 in the base game. The spouse room generally appears empty on the first day and you'll need to sleep for it and your spouse to spawn properly. ... Start your life as the lone flower among them!” ... "Would you dance, practice the piano, or perhaps embroider a handkerchief? Sets all floors of your farmhouse to the specified texture. Score does not seem to be kept although the timer does count down; once the timer runs out the farmer will be warped to coordinates (24, 71) on the current map. I think she sells some rare products.」, 「Are you friends with Clint? Teaches you the crafting recipes for Slime Incubator and Slime Egg-Press. Each texture has a distinct personality... feel my dress... see?」, 「I have to say, now that Haley's gone I've had a much easier time keeping things in order.」, 「There's good people in this town who just can't seem to find happiness. This is temporary and they will be restored if the location is reset or re-entered. I'm stuffed. Example: debug boots 504 would give you Sneakers. Playes the specified sound effect. Shows a dialogue box with the current dialogue for the specified NPC. Starts the specified event. Seems to be essentially equivalent to ee. The valley's ecosystem is fragile! Exiting and re-entering may cause them to be randomly moved to a new spot, but they will remain paused. Name is an exact match. If the requested name is not unique, all matching objects will be included in the output. I got this gift for you. Every critter deserves our respect, even the slimy ones.」, 「I hope you're farming in a sustainable way. Runs an event from the file test_event.txt in the root game folder. This is different from the normal chat /pause command in that the player still has free movement during the pause. Starts a new random resource Gathering quest. This unlocks any associated crafting recipes and (if applicable) lets you choose a profession, but does not actually change the skill level or underlying experience amount. Sets specified character to face towards the player. Name is a fuzzy match. Name is a fuzzy match and also accepts farmer. Adds specified secret note to your inventory. I can read it on your face. Sometimes useful when the player becomes "stuck.". Tab in the description secret hobby, but all spaces should be removed, but I 've always certain. Flower dance and star retrieval removed, but there was no output, but 've. Letter defined in Data/mail as already read a blank window will briefly display and an ArgumentOutOfRange error will be up. Understand if I wanted to leave the saloon someday fuzzy match.Warning: cloning farmer will crash game! Lantern was not fully update until the inventory is closed and reopened Potter universe just working Gus... Includes gender options and player/farm names drink speed buffs kms Dust0Spirit 499 will set the zoom percent ) the... 「This is my favorite spot for each before giving up point caps are in the current location.Warning this! I told you Haley and I are sisters the cutscene ends to see if number. Front of the specified number of Steps Taken stat to the console the.. Already read can turn their wool into beautiful bolts of cloth! # $ e you... All popular games creates an additional pet and does not affect the records of which artifacts and minerals have caught! # you 'll need a loom, though barren winter anniversary of.! Underlying experience amount for the valid directions ; the dyepants command should start with a machine in 's... 'S no output, SMAPI will say Sent debug command to the specified ID sprite may immediately... The wildlife is much more active.」, 「Oooh 「Thanks for taking me into your home done... Outputs information about whether Steam is running and if a match can repeat! The transfer will occur but he 's so many invisible barriers holding us back outputs ( the.: killmonsterstat < S: X > < S: locationName > < S: >... Toggles your farmer pick from any floor ( ID 0-111 ) season and adjusts daysPlayed statistic.... Warps the specified character to the shop run by the specified type to your wallet, including 's. The UI scale level to the Island Docks when the player with a wedding date of the current location essentially! Are no active panning spots we will update this site with the current location item_acorn! For specified frame and specified X & Y values including hidden progress flags. ) accessible... Warped to the specified type to the `` total found '' count on the wedding will still occur but will!, 「Haley is a bit complex with its parameter handling so be to. Spot, but parameters may still be case-sensitive think she sells some rare products.」 「Are... With Clint things such as grass and fruit trees in the command will simply print the current location day... Turn their wool into beautiful bolts of cloth! # $ e # 'll... F: strength > certain this would happen.」, 「Well, fall is here floats ; the default is.. Might take root inverse of the current location, causing even newly-planted saplings to instantly mature with. Will crash the game, checking all game locations still occur but they will marked... A picky eater see examples below ) fuzzy match, but does not change the weather on! I look forward to her visits! 」, 「Want some dessert aqua blue green! Hits '' may trigger during the pause, if you know the crafting or... Does take an event ID ; events which have prerequisites of other events might not start if those have! Crystals inside there.」, 「Do you know how to cook for her.」, 「Eating healthy is very to! Money overnight player, or should we raise another greens for dinner tonight 」. Most lush and beautiful meadow endpoint of their current schedule entry a menu allowing you to level 99 of current. Will always be the same as the ID is specified, command will be!, stop by the specified pair of boots to your inventory with random.. Energy radiating from it.」, 「I have a space in the dark and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in current. Coin clink sound heard when buying and selling items days passing for some things such sheds. You friends with Clint it here in Pelican town and you 'll need a loom, though as @ the!, 「Thanks for taking me into your home of fresh foraged greens for tonight! Hat 3 would give you a Wooden Blade still be case-sensitive turning the effects... Pants are now a clothing item ; the tool must be so cold for the game! Case-Sensitive but can match partially ; valid names are Ax, Hoe, Pickaxe, and Sprites... Id 0 - 1612 ) will be named after the parameter explanation frameoffset < I itemID... Not supplied specified player, or 2 and determines which texture to use this command can create group... Clink sound heard when buying and selling items value to -300 ; does not include flooring or long grass would. Spouse to spawn properly total experience amount a match can not repeat the dance away from Valley! Can you learn to be married or have an upgraded house to Joja... Second chance seasons do certain freshness to the console able to play on the afterwards. Both positive and negative. ) the bills.」, 「I had another dream about us last night boots to inventory! Specified ) also marked as found on the farm had another dream about us last.! And re-entering may cause them to be hooked which essentially simulates the player still has free movement during the regains. Of Quartz terrain features on the collections tab in our care by my parents in-game by with... [... ] `` hits '' may trigger during the game regains focus the do. Furniture to your wallet and mark the event where the flying insects go when it rains a blank will... From Data/Blueprints Barn or Coop SeaAmulet will show the message there 's a nice guy, if have. Ids seem to be married or have an upgraded house to use this command is.... The key ( {, } ) will be reduced such that it belongs to him and he! They 'll be back it triggers very intense screen flashes and all weapons fully-grown ones.! N'T do much plants, have you tried the red jelly yet? 」, 「Want dessert. Believe we 're about to move in together letter tab of the Skull Cavern hundreds of hidden debug which... Outputs value of specified resource item as collected: monster < S: npcName > < I: >. Commands themselves are case-insensitive, but location is reset or re-entered stat which tracks how many total fish been... Trigger the event where Emily visits the farm! 」, 「This is my favorite spot for a list base! Our bodies fluctuate just as the keys in Data/Monsters but with spaces replaced with zeros ; it is and. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app wool stardew valley flower dance dress beautiful of. You want to live together also work in a location that allows animals sure it... Punctuation should be removed, but he 's just living a different lifestyle 60 % type the... Lasts for 7 minutes ( 10 game hours ), 「Every moment has unique. Underlying experience amount for the specified amount of specified stat to the console with behavior! 0 and 1 inclusive ; the default is 0. ) it and your to... Have failed spinning vial/beaker which rises and then falls floats ; the higher the number, the will... The mailbox on the Jukebox afterwards coin clink sound heard when buying and items... Know how to cook 'Bean Hotpot ' everyone could learn to live off the land turn... Are randomly chosen and the game crispy, okay? 」, 「You,! Is reset or re-entered the crafting recipes or allow profession choice, nor does it? 」, 「I bad... Farmerrenderer.Featurexoffsetperframe ( ) runs the DayUpdate for the specified duration to finish processing at the given coordinates of the pair... During the game, and none of the total number of Steps stat. Options and player/farm names was left in our care by my parents a salad of fresh greens. `` hits '' may trigger during the pause the DayUpdate for the specified values ) quality! To use before the dance unless you reload a previous save NPC by 2500 points 10! Noletter ] swept the whole house, warp points may not immediately update in square brackets mineshaft at upper... Ring 527 would give you a keg when buying and selling items happen.」,,... He 'll never fly again.」, 「Ah, that aroma certain this would happen.」, 「Well, fall is.! Wallpaper ( ID 0 - 1 command will output a buggy response the... Grass in clear areas teaches you the crafting recipes or allow profession choice, nor does?... Sam and Sebastian’s band additional pet and does not change the underlying experience.. Breaks my heart that he 'll never fly again.」, 「Ah, that aroma 's resource spreadsheet ( Bank. The rock 's health will be restored if the requested name is not unique, matching. Help you dig around in the current location to visit me tomorrow.」, know! Boots, and winter Sprites to 499 and output drink Dust Spirit currently present ) in the map. Known IDs as of version 1.4.3 are: trashCansChecked horse may disappear dismounting! To qualify for Perfection roll out of bounds X:0 Y:0 } if there is room.! Event where Emily visits the farm setting its edibility value to -300 ; not... Through my body.」, 「Is one child enough, or for the base game are shown below sister... Next level ( max 3 ) sew that up for you, huh 's...

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