Bourke’s parakeets are attractive and unique, with a natural pinkish coloring. For Sale. Your parakeet will also love our nutritious parakeet seed. Indian ringneck parakeets are quite popular companion birds, thanks in part to their beautiful coloring, medium size, and social nature.These birds are highly intelligent and enjoy learning new things. Seeds tend to be low on certain amino acids, vitamins and minerals which parakeets need. Note: Sales tax is required in WA and CA Stat... Baby Alexandrine Ringneck Parakeet (Psittacula eupatria) Available! United States of America With a wide selection of small birds, including finches and parakeets, medium-sized birds, like cockatiels and doves, and large birds, like parrots, we can help you find the perfect companion. Description: The Rubino Golden Mantle parakeet (Platycercus eximius elegiac) is also known as Cecilia’s Rosella and has gold, red and white mixed coloring. The spacing between the bars is 1/2 inch and the gauge is 3/32 – fine for smaller breeds like budgies, parakeets… We’ll help you make a list of all the items you’ll need to purchase or prepare for your Parakeet to ensure they have a happy, safe home—and that you provide the best pet care you can. Being flock birds, parakeets are very social with each other and people. Ringneck Indian Parakeet . Delivery is convenient and safe with our safety travel boxes shipped right to your post office. 2015 © LLC. Parakeets. The males have bright blue ceres, nasal area, and the females have light blue or brown ceres. Many of our Ringnecks are available as "Parent Fed" ( recommended for … 5 Pair Diamond fire tail 1 Cuban mail. Pet Birds for Sale Check out the pet birds online, then visit your local PetSmart store to pick out and take home your new feathered friend. Parakeets. Established since 2013, we have Steadily proven to be one of the most Reputable and Reliable Macaw Parrot Farms Nationwide. R1,500.00. Rubino Bourke Parakeets We Safely Ship Nationwide! Being flock birds, parakeets are very social with each other and people. A Parakeet is a great match for an individual or family who are looking for a companion bird with distinction, typically gentle in nature, and fun to train. Caution: This bird requires advanced knowledge of bird handling and can be difficult to tame. It is native to the forests of South America. Caution: African Ringneck Parakeets require advanced knowledge of bird handling and can be difficult to tame. All About Parakeets. Description: Blue Budgerigar Parakeets are popular and gentle blue parrot birds in aviaries and are easy to care for even for the novice bird enthusiast. $250.00. 5. In the wild, parakeets will breed after heavy rains that will increase the available food sources. DNA Testing: The birds have been taken out of the cage for picture purposes only. These colorful Parakeet birds for sale are great for beginner avain enthusiasts as little experience is needed to care for... A Parakeet is a great match for an individual or family who are looking for a companion bird with distinction, typically gentle in nature, and fun to train. Puppies, kittens and pets classified ads from Connecticut and CT surrounding area from the Bargain News. They are small but have large perso... Plum-headed parakeets We Safely Ship Nationwide! There are many different types of parakeets for sale, and many are very colorful. Older spellings still sometimes encountered are paroquet or paraquet. One scarlet chests lutino female $300. Parakeets. Description: Bourke’s Parakeets (Neopsephotus bourkii) for sale, are part of a family of Australian grass parakeets. All rights reserverd. SHOP ONLINE 24/7: or CALL 877-527-5656 - 7 DAYS A WEEK. You’ve come to the right place because, with over 150 years of knowledge, the experts at Kaytee know a lot about parakeets. There are many different types of parakeets for sale, and many are very colorful. Description: The Red Rump Parrot, also known as the Red Backed Parrot or Grass Parrot, is a common bird of south-eastern Australia. Grass Scarlet Chested (Splendid) Parakeet. SHOP ONLINE 24/7: or CALL 877-527-5656 - 7 DAYS A WEEK. Parakeets are colorful birds that are full of energy, and can make graceful pet birds once tamed. Description: Pied Budgies make a great addition to avairies and are easy to care for. Baby Parakeets for Sale. We are well known for having the best and healthiest Macaw Parrots for sale nationwide. Completely Tame - This was a hand fed baby. SHOP ONLINE 24/7: or CALL 877-527-5656 - 7 DAYS A WEEK. I... Scarlet Chested Parakeet (Neophema splendida) Available! There are many different color variations of Budgies, but green and yellow or blue, grey and white are the most common. SHOP ONLINE 24/7: or CALL 877-527-5656 - 7 DAYS A WEEK. See details. Alexandrine Parakeets are a medium sized parrot with a huge personality! We are certain we can make your parakeet ownership dreams come true! Older spellings still sometimes encountered are paroquet or paraquet. The Neophemas. 1-1 brpr plumheads for sale 2500. Vancouver, WA 98682 Description: Canary-winged parakeets (Brotogeris versicoluris), members of the genus Brotogeris, are small, South American parakeets often referred to as White-Winged Parakeets. Description: Bourke’s parakeets (Neopsephotus bourkii) are part of a family of Australian grass parakeets, the Neophemas. Contact Us! Find bird supplies online at PetSmart, with the latest accessories including stylish cages, fun toys, perches and bedding. The budgerigar, or common parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus), is a popular talking-bird species because of their potential for large vocabularies, ease of … Description: The budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), also known as common pet parakeet, shell parakeet, and informally nicknamed the Budgie, is a small, long-tailed, seed-eating parrot. 5305 NE 121st Ave A list of Parakeets for sale including Amboina King Parakeet, Australian King Parakeet, Baraband Parakeet, Bourke Parakeet, Budgerigar, Crimson Wing Parakeet, Grass Elegant Parakeet, Grass Scarlet Chested (Splendid) Parakeet, Grass Turquoisine Parakeet, Grey Cheek Parakeet, Lineolated Parakeet, Moustached Parakeet, Pennants Parakeet, Plum Head … Finding Ringneck Parakeets for sale is easy at The Finch Farm Co. and look for popular favorites such as the Violet Ringneck Parakeet, Blue Indian Ringneck Parakeet, Green Indian Parakeet, Grey Indian Parakeet, Lutino Indian Parakeet, Albino Indian Parakeet, African Ringneck Parakeet and more!. This is a Hand Fed Baby $795 hand fed only - For a little more Linda training, where your bird learns how to kiss and snuggle plus ride around on your... Albino Indian Ringneck Parakeets We Safely Ship Nationwide! Parakeets are colorful birds that are full of energy, and can make graceful pet birds once tamed. UK. However, the pet Budgie is just one of more than 120 species and sub-species. Fly Babies Aviary, FL We Ship. However, the pet Budgie is just one of more than 120 species and sub-species. Not all of our birds are tame, so please contact us if you have any queries related to a parakeet you are considering. The green-cheeked parakeet (Pyrrhura molinae) or green-cheeked conure is a small parrot of the genus Pyrrhura, which is part of a long-tailed group of the New World parrot subfamily Arinae. McDonald Bird Farm offers the finest, healthiest wholesale Parakeets, Cockatiels, Lovebirds, Finches, and other exotic birds for sale anywhere in the U.S. today. There are a variety of parakeet seed blends for sale at local pet stores, and generally one is not better than another. Caution: This bird requires advanced knowledge of bird handling and can be difficult to tame. 2 females Rosy Bourke $150. Parakeets are colorful birds that are full of energy, and can make graceful. These sweet little parakeets can be wonderful companions. The #1 free pet classifieds site to buy, sell and rehome Doves and other Birds near me. Rosy Bourke’s Parakeets are attractive and unique birds for sale, with a natural pinkish coloring. Rock Pebbler Wanted Following Latest Guidance. 55 total views, 0 today . But they do require an attentive caretaker who can spend time handling them every day to keep them tame and prevent them from becoming bored. Description: Also known as the Mulga Parakeet, Many Colored Parakeets (Psephotus varius), are an ideal bird for avian beginners. Description: Green Budgies are easy and colorful birds for sale to be enjoyed by novice and expert bird enthusiasts. The term conure is often used for this parrot and its relatives in aviculture. Prices st... Baby Moustache Parakeet (Psittacula alexandri) Available! They are extremely inquisitive and constantly on the move. Parrots JJEsterhuizen January 18, 2021 This is why a purely seed diet is not recommended as it can deprive the parakeet of nutrients. Delivery is convenient and safe with our, Your parakeet will also love our nutritious, Pet Lady Gouldian Finch - Green-back Sale, Pet Lady Gouldian Finch - Yellow-back Sale, Budgies - (Budgerigar Parakeets) - Pied - White Based, Budgies - (Budgerigar Parakeets) - Violet, Budgies - (Budgerigar Parakeets) - Yellow. Parakeets are old enough to breed at 6 months old. Pet Parakeets For Sale. Additional taming is likely needed for ALL Indian... * Note: Indian Ringneck Parakeets are illegal in the state of New Jersey and Colorado. You’ve come to the right place because, with over 150 years of knowledge, the experts at Kaytee know a lot about parakeets. The Finch Farm, Co. - Savvy Pets Parakeets are small to medium-sized species of parrots, in multiple genera, that generally have long tail feathers. $499 hand fed– Already has the Linda training for kissing, snuggling and riding around on your shoulder. Description: Yellow Budgies or Yellow Budgerigar Parakeets for sale, (Melopsittacus undulatus), also known as common pet parakeet, shell parakeet and informally nicknamed the Budgie, are small, long-tailed, seed-eating parrots... * Note : Indian Ringnecks are illegal in the state of New Jersey and Colorado. The Budgie or Budgerigar, which is called "Parakeet" in the United States, is one of the most common parakeets chosen for an aviary. More than 50 Alexandrine parakeet (Psittacula eupatria) chicks kept for sale were rescued on Sunday by the wildlife (headquarters) ranger from Santhome, Royapuram and … Create a account to save favorites, leave a review for your breeder or list your aviary.Try it now! Variations of the Red Rump Parrot include the Red Rump Opaline Parrot. Bird and Parrot classifieds. Also known as budgies, budgerigars, and miserable freaks of nature, parakeets are small parrots indigenous throughout Australia (the same place that supports a splendid array of other friendly creatures).They eat a modest diet of seeds, vegetation, and human blood, while screaming and beeping continuously in a cacophony that fills the air … Shop for parrots, parakeets, cockatiels, finches & other pet birds! Browse through available parrots for sale by aviaries, breeders and bird rescues. Truqusine parakeets - $1.00 One male Albino cockatiel 2 years breeder birds.$200. The male is green and female is white and teal blue. Be sure to stock up! Note: African Ringneck Parakeets are illegal in the state of New Jersey and Colorado. Note: Sales tax is required in WA ... Having a problem with this site or you want to leave feedback? All about Parakeets covers parakeet care for all types of parakeets; parakeet information includes selecting parakeet cages and bird food, parakeet behavior and training, parakeet breeding, parakeet illness symptoms, and finding parakeets for sale 25 total views, 0 today. In the wild, parakeets are found in only the green/yellow plumage., Voice: 1-877-527-5656 or New Text: 1-833-938-1918, © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Pet Birds for Sale. Check your local store availability on live pet birds for sale! Online pet classified ads website for rehoming and pets adoption in your area. Parakeets. We carry over 25 varieties including the popular Rosy Bourke Parakeets, the Scarlet Chested Parakeet, the Blue Indian Ringneck, and many budgies such as the Blue Budgerigar Parakeet. Wanted. View pet rabbits, birds, dogs, cats, snakes, and more. Awesome Racing Pigeon's for Sale HURRY HURRY THEY WONT LAST FOREVER, ONLY A FEW. A Parakeet is a great match for an individual or family who are looking for a companion bird with distinction, typically gentle in nature, and fun to train. Note: Sales tax is required in WA a... We're now accepting deposits on our Indian ringneck babies. Note: Sales tax is required in WA and CA St... Lutino Indian Ringneck Parakeet We Safely Ship Nationwide! Not all of our birds are tame, so please contact us if you have any queries related to a parakeet you are considering. Description: Kakarikis are from the parakeet family and one of the most playful, intelligent and beautiful parakeet . Sandy, UT. Find Doves for sale via Pets4Homes. each One lutino Truqusine female $225. Hi I have some bird for sale pair love bird for £40 .bangles finches 3 pairs £30.. pair java finches £30..and 3 canarys 2 male 1 female for £60.. Can't find what you're looking for? Petco's bird shop offers a wide range of live pet birds: cockatiels, parakeets, canaries, & more. Description: The Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), also known as common pet parakeet or shell parakeet and informally nicknamed the budgie, is a small, long-tailed, seed-eating parrot. They will be weaned on a healthy diet of organic pellets, fruits and vegetables. A list of Ringneck Indian Parakeet for sale. You can find kittens, puppies, reptiles, and other animals for sale. Parakeets Marc January 26, 2021. While people are normally accustomed to seeing a variety of colored budgies for sale in pet shops, the only natural color of budgies in the wild is the yellow/green variety. We’ll help you make a list of all the items you’ll need to purchase or prepare for your Parakeet to ensure they have a happy, safe home—and that you provide the best pet care you can. Among our Macaw Parrots For Sale Includes; Harlequin macaw, Blue and Gold Macaw for sale, Blue-throated Macaw, Buffon’s Macaw, Glaucous Macaw, Green–winged Macaw for sale… If there is no... * Note: Indian Ringneck Parakeets are illegal in the state of New Jersey and Colorado. All other budgies, including the blue budgies, white budgies, and others, are color mutations bred specifically for the pet trade. Description: These popular White Budgerigars for sale, are also know as the Common White Budgie by many. Budgies are one of the top five talking species of parrots.Some male budgies can learn to whistle and mimic hundreds of words of human speech while females generally aren’t as talkative. Get new email alerts for new ads matching this search: The Budgie or Budgerigar, which is called "Parakeet" in the United States, is one of the most common parakeets chosen for an aviary. Description I have a beautiful pair of bonded Quakers for sale. Fed on an excellent diet. Doves, Finches & Softbills mikepriem January 25, 2021. Caution: This bird requires advanced knowledge of bird handling and can be difficult to tame. Have any queries related to a parakeet you are considering the Neophemas with a natural coloring... ( Psittacula eupatria ) available and riding around on your shoulder parakeets for sale Budgies, including the blue,!: Kakarikis are from the parakeet family and one of more than 120 species sub-species! And unique birds for sale, and the females have light blue or brown ceres however the. Fed '' ( recommended for … Baby parakeets for sale by aviaries, breeders and bird rescues inquisitive constantly! Jersey and Colorado ( recommended for … Baby parakeets for sale to be enjoyed by novice and expert bird.! Deprive the parakeet family and one of the Red Rump parrot include the Red Rump parrot include the Rump. One male Albino cockatiel 2 years breeder birds. $ 200 Psephotus varius ), are part a... 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